I have been experimenting with allowing an employee use 2X on her ipad to connect to work. The application works very well except when you close the app is still remains active in RAM so it will remember the password for anyone else who happens to pick up the device (like a child or spouse at home). If you double tap the home button and swipe to kill it or turn the machine off it forgets the password like it should (the save password feature is disabled). Is there a work around available to force the application to close completely when the user is done? I am not really comfortable with relying on the user to manually kill the app for security reasons. Any thoughts? Thanks
The iPad is designed as a personal device and not for multi-user applications, so the behaviour you mention is correct. This can be compared to the mail app which does not require a login every time the application is switched, or the device goes to sleep. As a personal device, security is handled completely differently to a multi-user system. As you say, a work around may be to kill the app completely.