Same error, different conditions
I experience a different situation. Same error, however, my .XML is fine. (I have tried a backup, tried a new VM and copy, etc.) The XML IS ok. They are identical (used a file compare program).
However, My VM Keeps telling me the very same error. Yesterday I posted that a possible solution was to delete the paralells folder from user/library but that doesn't work anymore.
Now, if I fast user switch to the original user of the box (when I Installed OSX) ... IT WORKS. The VM is on an external drive and both users are admins, both users have ReadWrite permisions (heck, even Others have ReadWrite). I used the migration tool to get my user back (and hence paralells 2.5). But I had to reinstall Parallels (to get the kernel extension back I suppose). Then I upgraded to 3.0 and this problem arose.
I don't know what permission is Paralells missing, or what is wrong. I am a little bit disappointed with this but above all, I need to find a fix, I work in Paralells.
ANy ideas?
For the folks asking for a "correct" XML here's mine:
<Parallels_disk_image Version="1.0" >
Ideas? I've repaired permissions, checked everything. I don't want to reinstal paralells, because I don't know if my Key is going to work!