3.0 corrupt HDD files

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by bgt, Jun 15, 2007.

  1. andrewh1112

    andrewh1112 Bit poster

    I don't think the snapshots matter. It was just that I had in fact created a [useless] snapshot and the DiskDescriptor probably needed information on both hds-files for some reason. That being said I believe filling in the XML-file with the basic structure and correct GUID probably works for most people.
  2. mrench01

    mrench01 Junior Member

    Well here is the .XML text from my Mac Mini Parallels WinXP drive image.

    <Parallels_disk_image Version="1.0" >

    I am not sure what all this stuff means but here it is. My Mac still crashes.

    ~Mike Rench~:(
  3. mrench01

    mrench01 Junior Member

    I noticed that my GUID is all zeros. I don't know why but I bet it's not supposed to be that way.

    ~Mike Rench~
  4. quebel

    quebel Bit poster

    I have booted Mac OS X from an external device using a backup which has a Parallels Build 4128 installed.
    Despite the fact that I have been told to reactivate my Windows XP I was able to start the VM machine using the same image which caused the kernel panic on my machine whenever running Parallel's Build 4560.

    From my point of view, the winxp.hdd image and DiskDescriptor.xml should be fine otherwise I would have experienced problems to start the machine with Build 4128.

    Instead of getting a kernel panic when starting the VM with Build 4560, now I see a popup saying that the winxp.hdd file is used by other application and Paralles Desktop is unable to access the virtual disk image.

    Last edited: Jul 21, 2007
  5. mrench01

    mrench01 Junior Member

    OK, Ynot helped me out last night. (Thanks a bunch).

    We were able to fix the corrupted .hdd image by using the .XML text from Ynot. Then I was able to check that it was working OK by using the Parallels Explorer. Once I could actually mount and explorer the contents of my Parallels WinXP .hdd then I tried to run build 4560. CRASH!!! Kernal error.

    OK, then (after forced reboot) I checked to make sure that the .hdd image was still ok. It was. I then reinstalled the previous build 4128 and NO CRASH!!! It booted into WinXP just fine. :)

    My only issues were that I was forced to call Microsoft to reactivate Windows XP, and I had to reinstall Parallels tools to get the mouse and networking functioning again. But I an now up and running.

    My Mac is a 1.66Mhz Core Duo Mac Mini with 2Gb of RAM. My iMac is a Core 2 Duo 17". I don't know exactly what was in common with these to Mac's but I was able to get them both working again.

    All I need to complete now is reinstalling my Anti-Virus in WinXP (for some reason it isn't working correctly)

    I hope Parallels figures these issues out and fixes this problem. Also I hope that there is better testing in the future to prevent this kind of thing in the future. At least I did not loose all my data. Thanks again to Ynot.

    ~Mike Rench~
  6. andrewh1112

    andrewh1112 Bit poster

    Did you get another XML-file from Ynot or did you use the one I gave you when we chatted over ICQ?
  7. idevil

    idevil Bit poster

    I tried to repair the Hdd, but it still does not work.
    I re-installed the Paralles, and I also tried to build a new hdd to get a new xml file, but the virual hard disk is still corrupted.

    After the hdd does not work, I copy the xlm file:
    <Parallels_disk_image Version="1.0" >
    I do not know if this file is correct, because the disk size should be 10240 MB.

    Then I built a new hdd file with 10240 MB, changed the xml as the FAQ. But it does not work.
    This is new XML:

    <Parallels_disk_image Version="1.0" >

  8. alzabo

    alzabo Bit poster

    Same here, this is pretty lame guys....

    I have the same issue in that I upgraded to 3.0 4128 and then tried to start VM, saw for a moment a note that "something was converting something", then got a full kernel panic crash.

    I now get the error that the file is corrupted, but my difference is that I have a file has the hdd name then it's also got "temporary" added to the name, so I have 2 files there - winxp.4.hdd - and - winxp.4.hdd.temporary - .

    Obviously this is the partially converted file, so how do I get THAT back? I've tried the whole make a new hdd/copy the xml over/restart thing.....nothing, and yes I was following the directions pointed to earlier.

    I too have important data in there that I need back out of it, and I too am stunned at the lack of response from tech support, and the lackadaisical testing that must have went into this product.

    In any case, all bitching aside I need to get this fixed and it needs to happen SOONEST, as I'm dead in the water here.
  9. alzabo

    alzabo Bit poster


    I buy Parallels 2, (just before 3 comes is released it turns out) it basically works but has shortcomings, then get 3 when it's released since it looks like it will do some of what I'm missing, instead it wipes out my XP install as far as I can tell, I send an email to support and start running around the web looking for answers....THAT'S when I find out that support at Parallels is known far and wide for not getting back to anyone, THAT'S when I find out that my twist on a widespread problem looks to be unique and possibly unfixable, THAT'S when I find out not only have I wasted money but I've also lost irreplaceable data and a LOT of time, and THAT'S when I start having a VERY dim view of this company.

    Some supporters are very likely to say things like "getting mad won't help" blah blah woof woof....but I'm guessing it's not gonna hurt, now is it? I've got nothing to lose that hasn't already been lost, cause I can't get help ANYWHERE!

    I freaking HATE these companies that don't hold up their end of the bargain, and I don't CARE why they don't. That's not my problem, it's their's.

    When they took my money, they made a deal with me that they would provide some semblance of support and a product that works and they've come through on neither.

    Yet MY part, (paying) HAS been fulfilled. If I hadn't of done my part (paying), what woulda happened then? What would happen if I called my CC company and had them reverse the charges (not a bad idea BTW)? Would they then just go "Oh well, guess I'll be on my merry way." you think?

    No, they'd vigorously go after THEIR money, although I guess I'm supposed to just eat it on this and smile while I chow down a S@@T sandwich, right?

    Guess what? I HATE this kinda treatment, and I don't sit still for it.

    Make this right Parallels, you'll either make a friend or the opposite, it's your call.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2007
  10. Ynot

    Ynot Pro

    alzabo, remove winxp.4.hdd and rename temporary file back to winxp.4.hdd.

    After that, when you open Parallels, your hdd will be converted to new format.

    PS: forum is not the quickest way to have support.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2007
  11. Ron@RonPinkas.com

    Ron@RonPinkas.com Junior Member

    ... seems to be not a regular file and cannot be used as hard disk image.

    Yesterday I attempted to upgrade to 3.0 (4560) and it hanged my Mini Core Duo 1.66 with a panic screen while attempting to upgrade the hdd file.

    Attempting to revert back to Build 3188 I ended up with the follwoing message when attempting to start my VM:

    "... seems to be not a regular file and cannot be used as hard disk image."

    Just reading this thread I decided to check the hdd file against an older hdd file, and I found that the pre 3.0 hdd file does NOT have the "Show Package Contents" option. I'm now hoping the .hdd.0.{..}.hds file in the 3.0 "Package" is possibly the good old original .hdd file. I'm copying it outside of the package and will report the results.

    BTW, my package content has 3 files:


    The DiskDescriptor.xml.lck has the following content:

    Sometime i'll remove this warn and just set the PID here

    The DiskDEscriptor.xml appears to have valid content.

    All input to help me recover my "upgraded" hdd file will be greatly appreciated.

  12. Ynot

    Ynot Pro

    Ron@RonPinkas.com, you can rename HDS file to HDD and use it as an ordinary 3188 disk image.
  13. Ron@RonPinkas.com

    Ron@RonPinkas.com Junior Member


    Copying the .hds from the 3.0 .hdd package into a new hdd file does indeed work with pre 3.0 builds.

    FWIW, Win XP booted from the .hdd file but the Parallels Tools caused GPF, and Mouse appeared frozen. I was forced to use KB interface to UNINSTALL Parallels Tools, reboot, reinstall Parallels Tools, and now all apears to be functional again. :)

    I believe this should be added to FAQ, and in general should also be available in the README file of 3.0, as well as in explaining portability with the Windows Version, as it likely will not know what to do with the new 3.0 .hdd Package.

  14. alzabo

    alzabo Bit poster

    AHA!! That did it!!

    Ok, so I eventually got help, and for that I am glad.

    I'll contest the assertion that this isn't the fastest way to get help, because it's the ONLY way I got help, and I'll be damned if I'll submit to the extortion of paying 40% of the purchase price to call someone to help me with something I bought about 1 month ago or so...that's truly a fictional incident there....

    In any case, my problem appears to be fixed, and while it took too long, (and no response even now from the email to tech support) it did work, so I'm feeling better than I was.

    Thanx ynot!
  15. Pedge

    Pedge Bit poster

    I love products like this - they really change the way you work and I'm all for smaller companies showing the big boys a thing or two.

    I got Parallels v2.0 and have been amazed by the usability of it; seeing version 3 I thought this could be a fantastic update, well worth my money to upgrade, several months after buying v2.0.

    I've installed the trial software (which I would have paid for once it was running) and have been incredibly disappointed. I was lucky enough to read this thread to make a backup of my drive - and thank god I did it.

    The install was going fine and I started it up - tools was installing and all fine. Then all of a sudden it died. Something 2.0 never did. Started it up again and windows (XP) started updating itself - and crashed. Started it several time and it happened again and again and again.

    No matter what I've done, its ended with the program crashing.

    Considering I was reminded each time I opened v2.0 to upgrade to v3 (I left the reminder on as I knew I'd want to update sooner or later) I expected a relatively stable program.

    Having looked at this thread I played safe - thank goodness I did - thinking I'd laugh my caution off in a week or so's time.

    I have all of the understanding and sympathy for a business making such cutting edge moves in the mac market; but I must say I am really, really, really disappointed that Parallels have released this version 3.0 software which is more buggy than the v2.0 beta(!).

    I won't be trying your fixes, Parallels, I'm sure they do work and help people out - but if I'm paying for software I expect it to work 1st time, after which 99% of the time. So far your version 3.0 hasn't worked 1% of the time and I really do think you should put these problems to #1 on your fix list as saying things like "it'll be sorted in 1 or 2 weeks" is not what I would expect from a serious software company.

    In my experience (and judging by some other comments here) this version 3.0 which your version 2.0 software is encouraging people to try out and upgrade is acting more like an Alpha, never mind a Beta and if you continue to release this type of software you will seriously damage your reputation as a competent and serious software developer.

    Please remember that whilst no news is bad news, bad news can be equally damaging.
  16. talvo

    talvo Bit poster


    I couldn't agree with you more!!!

    I am having the same corruption problems with the same kernel crash and I have important data on my image as well. First off I can't even open the hdd file and second I am not too interested in editing XML files.

    It is down right pathetic that the other parallel USERS are faster to respond with solutions than the parallels team. I almost fell on the floor laughing when I saw the post from a Parallels team member that said this forum isn't the fasted way to get a resolution.

    Unfortunately, I elected to be the one to test 3.0 for my company. We were planning on buying multiple copies/upgrades to 3.0. Rest assured I will not be endorsing this upgrade or any further purchases of Parallels until I am full assured this problem is resolved.
  17. mrench01

    mrench01 Junior Member

    Even though I was able to get my .hdd image to work again, the data was so corrupted that I ended up moving my data off of it and reinstalling EVERYTHING!!!. :-(

    Even after a fresh install of Parallels 3.0 (Build 4560) my Mac Mini had a Kernal Panic!!! Again! There is something seriously broken with this version. I put 4128 back on the Mac Mini and no issues. I am so glad that I was able to access my old .hdd image to get my data off of it. I a very upset about this. The wierd thing was after I fixed the .hdd image on the iMac it works fine with the 4560 build. I can NOT get the Mac Mini to run this version without a crash and Kernal Panic.

    It seems that other Mac Mini users have the same issue. Also I think that the 17" iMac with the GMA950 shared video (not the ATI equipped 17" iMac) sufferes from the same issue. I don't know what hardware is shared but it seems completely reproducable. Parallels should be able to figure out what the issue is and fix it. The data and time loss is unacceptable!

    I also agree that the users have been more helpful than Parallels with the support. I am thankful for the forum as it helped me save my data. I never thought that an update would screw me over so badly.

    ~M Rench~
  18. help

    help Bit poster

    I'm yet another frustrated user.

    I was trying to reinstall 3.0 after using a trial version and it is saying that
    "winxp.hdd seems to be not a regular file and cannot be used as a hard disk image."

    I tried following this: http://kb.parallels.com/entry/459

    but there is no open package contents option on my disk2.hdd file.
    Moreover, I cannot even open the diskdescriptor.xml file

  19. whytyger

    whytyger Member

    Converting hdd files to Fusion?

    Has anyone tried to convert the corrupted hdd files to run in Fusion? There is a converter utility available on the VMWare website, and detailed instructions on how to do the conversion; and while Fusion is now out of beta, there are trial versions that can be downloaded. AFAIK, Fusion never corrupts its drive images.

    This might be a way out of an emergency situation.

    Sorry to mention the competition here, but solid support hasn't really been forthcoming from the team. I have not experienced this dreaded corruption, but it sounds like a nightmare for those who have. It's inappropriate to post links here, but Google is your friend.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2007
  20. GR-SF

    GR-SF Bit poster

    Nothing is working so far...

    I came across the same problem that is on this string.... I tried to upgrade to 3.0 and I am now receiving an error stating that my existing vm is corrupt or in use by another application. I followed the instructions on here to copy the xml file from a new vm... didn't work. I also looked for any type of temporary hdd files... don't have any. What else can I try?? I have software on that windows vm that I cannot replace (or at least without paying quite a bit) and I cannot get it to work.

    any further thoughts?

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