3d connexion devices support

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by JohnnyfiveN, Aug 1, 2017.

  1. JohnnyfiveN

    JohnnyfiveN Member

    Hi,i would like to take a question about , if support offiicial the products 3d connexion,on parallers desktop 12?(spacemouse/spacenavigator)

  2. alev

    alev Parallels Team

    While we don't have all devices in our a lab, there is a high chance that 3d connexion devices will work.
    In order to get full advantage of these devices - you will need to connect them directly to Windows using Devices menu in Parallels Desktop interface and install necessary Windows drivers.
    In that case you won't be able to use them on a Mac at the same time. You can keep another input device for a Mac - another mouse or MacBook touchpad will work.

    I recommend you to download Parallels Desktop Trial and check if this setup works for you.
  3. JohnnyfiveN

    JohnnyfiveN Member

    If I get it ,must to install 3d connexion drivers on the windows(which is installed on Parallels Desktop) not to mac.

    There is someone who has done the test

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