90 second delay after clicking "Start"

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by waterson, Apr 1, 2009.

  1. waterson

    waterson Bit poster

    Hi there! I just upgraded from Parallels Desktop 3.0 to 4.0. I have an Ubuntu image that I converted in the process.

    I'm a little bummed, because Parallels seems to hang for about ninety seconds after I click the "Start" button. In particular, I...

    1. Open Parallels Desktop.
    2. Select my Ubuntu Linux VM and get a window with The Penguin sitting in the middle.
    3. Click the "Start" button and see it depress.
    4. Twiddle thumbs for 90s.
    5. The Penguin goes away and I see the VM start to boot.

    During "Step 4", the Parallels application is totally responsive; I can open the configuration panel, etc. The machine isn't doing anything (no CPU is being used, no network traffic, no disk grinding). Once I get past Step 4, everything seems to be just fine.

    Any clue what's going on? This is very annoying!

    Thanks in advance,

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