Access Rights

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by br_tokyo, Nov 1, 2006.

  1. br_tokyo

    br_tokyo Guest

    I installed a bunch of apps like MS Office, Open Office, and Eclipse on the server today, and published them with 2X. All of the applications work well, except for Eclipse.

    I cannot seem to launch Eclipse unless I use an account with Administration rights to launch the application. I went back to the server and logged in as Admin and changed the rights, and now it works just fine.

    Is there a reason why the other applications were fine, but Eclipse required access changes?
  2. RatCatcher

    RatCatcher Guest

    Hi there,

    Some applications require administrator or power user rights to edit registry hives or keys not usually available to standard users. It might be worth investigating this with whoever produces the Eclipse package.



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