Activate License on new Mac

Discussion in 'Licensing and Activation' started by DaveN5, Aug 29, 2024.

  1. DaveN5

    DaveN5 Bit poster

    I have a Parallels 17 one time license I purchased a while back for my previous laptop (Macbook Air), I am on a new Macbook Pro now and it keeps failing to activate on my new machine, it says it has reached its activation limit. I would like to remove all previous machines associated with my account to be able to register my license on my new machine. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Adarsh Jeetun

    Adarsh Jeetun Staff Member

    Hello @DaveN5 ,
    We have made some changes on our side. Please try to activate your Parallels Desktop 17 license again to check.
    Thank you!
  3. DaveN5

    DaveN5 Bit poster

    Hi Ardash,
    I purchased a new license recently for Parallels 19 because I assumed that it could not be reactivated, so I have activated 19 on my Macbook Pro. I do not know how to confirm if I am able to still use version 17, but as long as it can be verified that it is no longer tied to any previous machine, that works for me!
    Thank you

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