Hey people, I bought a copy of Parallels 2.x way back in March this year. 19/03/2007 to be exact. So, having used it for a few months without any problems whatsoever, I found that a virus of some sort existed in my virtual HDD. Anyways, as a result I decided to uninstall Parallels with the thinking that I could re-install it from scratch as a fresh copy. I correctly removed it from my Mac and this Is where I'm a little stuck. Having downloaded a copy of Parallels, When I go to input my license key, Parallels tells me that the key is no longer valid! How can I re-install Parallels? I've already paid around £50GBP for the software, so I don't see why I should have to buy another license key. Can anyone help me out? Thanks in advance. =)
Witch version did you download? There is a new version 4560 that doesn't support your key (you have to pay for this one) Here is link with version that will work with key (build 3214) http://download.parallels.com/GA/Parallels Desktop 3214 Mac en.dmg
Be aware that there are two license systems for Paralles. If you have bought the UK version via Avanquest Software (could even be via Apple Store) you need a special version of Parallels from Avanquest, downloading versions from Parallels directly will only result in an invalid license message. BenT