Add additional disks

Discussion in 'Parallels Provider for Vagrant' started by FusionX86, Apr 12, 2021.

  1. FusionX86

    FusionX86 Bit poster

    Is it possible to add more than one disk via Vagrantfile? It's possible with VirtualBox, but I can't find any info about the parallels provider. I also see some info about resizing disks, but not adding. Thanks.
  2. FusionX86

    FusionX86 Bit poster

    Found a way to do this by using parallels cli from the Vagrantfile.
    prl.customize ["set", :id, "--device-add", "hdd", "--size", "5120", "--iface", "sata"]
    Was looking for a native Vagrant method, but this works great and isn't experimental like the VirtualBox method.

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