Add 'Float on Top' to Window Manager

Discussion in 'Parallels Toolbox Feature Suggestions' started by sergeym, Jul 22, 2023.

  1. sergeym

    sergeym Parallels Team

    'Float on Top' → makes selected window always floating on top of the other windows, even if the input focus is out of that window. User story: User SM works with multiple windows making changes in a window-1 based on a content displayed in a window-2. E.g., window-1 is a TextEdit file, window-2 is a web page opened in a web browser -- SM is writing notes about the content of the web page. Whenever SM switches the focus to the web browser (e.g., to input something or scroll the page) the TextEdit edit window gets buried under the web browser window. To switch back to the TextEdit, SM needs to activate it either by clicking on the TextEdit icon in the Dock bar or using a gesture to display all windows then selecting the required TextEdit window. Problem is, the Dock on SM's computer is hidden by default and they must move the mouse to make it visible first, then move the mouse to click the TextEdit icon on it; when it comes to using a gesture to display all windows - that's not a good option as SM has plenty of simultaneously opened TextEdit windows and they all look alike - it's hard to choose the right one. SM wants the TextEdit window with the notes they're writing to always stay on top of the other windows so they can switch to it without a hassle. To make the TextEdit windows with the notes floating on top, SM switches to the required TextEdit window → clicks the Parallels Toolbox Windows Manager tool icon in the system menu at the top of the screen → chooses 'Float on Top' → the 'Float on Top' icon displays with a checkmark → the current TextEdit window starts floating on top of the other widows; when necessary, SM reverts the floating status of the TextEdit window by clicking the 'Float on Top' item in the menu again → the check mark is hidden → the window behaves in a regular way.
    MatthewR20 likes this.

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