Add linux coherence mode support again!

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac Feature Suggestions' started by FlorianR3, Jun 24, 2021.


Do you want to see a coherence mode for Linux again?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. FlorianR3

    FlorianR3 Bit poster

    Dear Parallels-Team,

    a properly working coherence mode is the main selling point of your software. I guess many customers/potential customers will want this feature again. If I just want a full screen linux system I could just use Virtual Box. However, a nice integration like in the past would be a real selling point.
    I just wanted to make sure that I raise my voice and call out for this feature.

    Florian, hopefully a future customer
    AxelR9 and MatthewR20 like this.
  2. KayS1

    KayS1 Bit poster

    I can just agree with that. Breaking coherence for linux sucks!
    AxelR9 likes this.
  3. MichaelA62

    MichaelA62 Bit poster

    I would love to have Coherence for Linux, also.
    AxelR9 likes this.
  4. MichaelA62

    MichaelA62 Bit poster

    I assume the difficulty is that 3D Effects cannot be disabled anymore, in many of the Linux desktop environments.
  5. TimW10

    TimW10 Bit poster

    Even if there are certain restrictions, it would be a big step forward to have this feature back running. For example, I would love to run sandboxed software in Containers, but Containers cannot interact with the desktop. There is a solution for X11, but that only runs under Linux. So I'd use a small Linux as a host, die X11 Windows would be "Coherenced", and the Apps would be isolated in Containers in a Guest OS. This is convenient, secure, and allows for certain scenarios not possible otherwise, for example be connected to 4 or 5 Microsoft Teams Accounts at the same time on the same screen.
  6. MatthewR20

    MatthewR20 Most valuable person


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