Add VPN service

Discussion in 'Parallels Toolbox Feature Suggestions' started by AlfS, Nov 15, 2016.

  1. AlfS

    AlfS Bit poster

    Hi there,

    The network of my company prohibits VPN access directly from Mac IOX. At least the configuration is very difficult and requires a special, expensive VPN client for iOX.
    For this (and many other) reasons, a tool would be desirable to access an (active) VPN connection from an MAc iOX on an active Parallees / Windows VM (like a Proxi). No idea whether this can be implemented at a reasonable cost, but would be a nice sales argument for parallels and its toolbox.

    Best regards, Alf
    SoddyZ, ACXL, MarcinN1 and 25 others like this.
  2. wizbang_fl

    wizbang_fl Bit poster

    Odd, you should be able to configure VPN in OSX as is, but your company may require a specific license to connect with their existing hardware. They would also have to give you a provisioning file that contains a shared secret or certificate file. My old IT department finally gave me the shared secret file (I think when they found out how much the licensed software was from the vendor for OSX but in the end it wasn't needed, they just had to give me the correct parameters to put in.

    Attached Files:

    • VPN.png
      File size:
      101.6 KB
  3. KyriakosK

    KyriakosK Bit poster

    Mac users have definitely embrace and welcomed Parallels as the most compatible and promising software to create VM's. I am using Parallels for over a year and despite some minor issues I had to deal with I can say with confidence that I am pleased. Parallels Toolbox is an amazing addition to the package but I feel that something is missing. Providing functionalities like "Block Camera", "Lock Screen" etc is definitely contributing into a more secure environment for the end user but I would't mind to pay a small additional amount to have a VPN service offered through Parallels Toolbox. The trust you have gained from the Apple users will work in your benefit helping you expand not only as a virtualisation company, but also as a trusted VPN provider.
  4. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Thank you for your request. And could you please provide us with the detailed description of the VPN feature. What would you like to get and how will it work?
  5. KyriakosK

    KyriakosK Bit poster

    I am not a software developer so you might need to contact a user questioner or something to identify the ideal functionalities for a VPN, but I can imagine it as a 2 layer VPN.
    First layer will be able to establish encrypted communications through your VM's to the outside internet. This can be achieved by tunneling the traffic generated to the VM's and passing it to the virtual network card. Since you are already providing the virtualised environment it shouldn't be hard.
    Second layer, can be described as an individual service offered through parallels toolbox that after activation will set a proxy configuration to your secure server and enable end to end encryption again using tunneling technic. Functionalities like selecting a country, or type of encryption or bandwidth availability would be an awesome feature.
  6. KettyM

    KettyM Bit poster

    that seems a great idea but I think it will take time to build a vpn on parallel's network. I read some VPN guide to learn more about VPN in details so that I can understand them better as I am a new user
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2017
  7. AaronZ

    AaronZ Bit poster

    Adding a VPN to the tool will make it more marketable, and much more useful. I've been looking for an app that included all of these, and this is the closest to what I want. Adding a VPN will make it perfect. Thanks

    -A User
  8. martin15

    martin15 Bit poster

    Pls added it!

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