Alt-drag in Word

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for Linux' started by adx, Feb 22, 2016.

  1. adx

    adx Bit poster

    This is for the Raspberry Pi client, I'm guessing it has the same functionality as the Linux product.

    First; best RDP client I've found for the RPI, by far. Remmina and rdesktop aren't bad, but both have gaping holes in their ability to support Windows sessions, from graphics problems to key mappings. 2x client is almost flawless but I recently found it does have one problem. This is connecting from an RPI2 to Windows XP running Word 97 (I'm also guessing the functionality will be the same for newer versions), 2x installed a couple of months ago:

    Alt-drag in Word doesn't work as expected. This is used to select vertical columns of text. Ctrl-Alt-drag does work, but that isn't exactly the same function (it selects from left margin). Going into rdesktop allowed the text to be selected as expected, then due to key mapping problems in that, back to 2x client to continue work. The Windows client works fine on any machine I've tried it from.

    Not a showstopper, but the only flaw in a product that I have found to be otherwise functionally perfect.

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