An odd clicking sound with Parallels. Has anyone else noticed?

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Jonas Schwartz, Nov 5, 2013.

  1. AlisonL

    AlisonL Bit poster

    Same here! Anyone know the issues, please post. I am nervously waiting for my Mac to die, hopefully it won't. Alison
  2. Eleven13

    Eleven13 Bit poster

    This happens to me as well, definitely 100% Parallels related, I've had my MBP for about 5 years and I've never experienced the sound before using Parallels. I'm running Parallels 9 with Mavericks. It doesn't really bother me as long as it isn't doing any damage to my internal components. My HD is fairly new so that almost certainly isn't the issue, it's something with Parallels and it happens at some point every time I'm using my VM without fail.
  3. Slevin

    Slevin Bit poster

    Popping sound since update to Mavericks


    I too am getting this sounds and it has happened ever since I updated from snow leopard to Mavericks about 1.5 months ago and my Win7 paralles VM pops nearly every single time it starts or wakes from resume, the popping sound is as if it is trying to output the windows audio but it comes out as popping sounds instead, there was an update last nights and I though that may have helped but it has not.

    I have tried the un-installation and re-installation of parallels tools a few times to no success.

    the PD version I am using is Build (revision April 24th, 2014)

    I believe their is an audio problem with upgrade to Mavericks and parallels isn't able to handle something, possibly driver related.

    Hope this can be resolved soon as it is a huge nuisance and this shouldn't really be happening with an OS upgrade.
  4. Mike_A

    Mike_A Bit poster

    I was experiencing this issue using Parallels 8 and Mountain Lion. I upgraded Parallels 9 when I upgraded to Mavericks. This problem occurred in both settings and it is still happening. I'm deeply disappointed Parallels' lack of a fix, especially considering most of us are using the latest software.

    I think Parallels has just lost a customer to VMWare...
  5. LeVeL5

    LeVeL5 Junior Member

    I have the same issue. I was using Parallels 8 with Mountain Lion and had this popping sound appear whenever the system is supposed to play a sound or make a beep with the PC speaker. I upgraded to Mavericks but kept Parallels 8 and rebuilt my VMs with Windows 7 x32 instead of x64 and the popping sound still appears. It's so loud it actually makes the whole laptop vibrate (I fear that given enough time, it may damage the speakers), and setting the Windows audio control to mute doesn't stop it. Turning down the Mac volume doesn't make a difference either. Suspending the VM and closing and reopening Parallels doesn't help either. The only fix is to restart the whole Mac, and the popping sound starts after a few hours of working.

    This is a serious issue that needs to be fixed once and for all.
  6. themalorkus

    themalorkus Bit poster

    I've been plagued with this problem since Parallels 8 and was so annoyed and frustrated with it I was about to call it quits on Parallels. But these steps fixed my problem! Thank you!
  7. LeVeL5

    LeVeL5 Junior Member

    I've found a workaround that does the trick for me:
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2014
  8. LeVeL5

    LeVeL5 Junior Member

    I've found a fix for the problem whenever it happens, I hope it works for everyone else:

    1) Open the Sound preference panel
    2) Select another alert sound. It plays. The clicking is instantly gone and audio on the VM works perfectly again.
    3) Select the alert sound you had before.
    4) Profit

    This is the only thing that's worked for me reliably and consistently. When my Mac goes to sleep or I suspend/resume the VM, it almost always starts doing the clicking sound right away, so I have to go hit the Sound prefpane several times a day. I haven't tested if quick-looking a sound file or other ways to make the Mac play a sound work around this issue.
  9. Phantom78

    Phantom78 Bit poster

    I used this fix!

    this drove me crazy, i found this and it fixed my problem!!

    I've seen on other sites people complaining about not having any sound after install Windows 7 under Parallels. The fix is to do the following:

    1. Make sure you've updated Parallels to the latest version 4.3180.
    2. Make sure you've installed the Parallels Tools pack.
    3. From the Control Panel, click on the Device Manager
    4. Find the device that's not installed, it's listed as 'Multimedia Audio Controller'
    5. Click on the device and install/update the driver.
    6. Let Windows go out to the Internet to find the driver.
    7. Install the selected drive and click 'Ok'

    Windows will install the driver and give you sound inside your Windows 7 VM.

    Hope this helps :)
  10. Member

    Try this:
    1. In Mac Os, press Shift and the increase or decrease volume key 4 or 5 times. You should hear the clicking sound.
    2. Press the Mute key in (Mac OS) several times. Do #1 above to retest. At some point the clicking will stop and the alert tone will sound. If not, try pressing Mute four or five more times, and doing #1 again until the clicking stops and the alert tone sounds.

    This has worked for me, but always comes back after suspending and restarting the VM. Doing the above always works (again, for me.)
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2014
  11. Bart_Rousseau

    Bart_Rousseau Bit poster

    For me the steps outlined at fixed the issue:
    Control Panel->Hardware and Sound->Sound; Playback tab
    Select "Speakers" then click "Properties"; Advanced tab
    From the "Default Format" selection list select a different format and click "Test"
    From the "Default Format" selection list select the default "16 bit, 44100 Hz (CD Quality) format and click "Test"
    In my case that resolved the issue..

    (ps. for me reinstalling Parallel Tools or selecting the "Built-in Output" in the VM config didn't help)
  12. MikeR.

    MikeR. Junior Member

    Tried the audio solution, didn't fix the problem.

    12425-13953 is the support ID, I've opened another ticket.
  13. Nick_Russo

    Nick_Russo Bit poster

    Hi all,
    just wanted to confirm that Bart_Rousseau's steps fixed my sound problems!

  14. Martin_Baron

    Martin_Baron Bit poster

    For me, the popping sound does not seem to be audio related. The audio in Windows works just fine, and the sound does not come through the headphones. The sound is coming from under my MacBook keyboard, as if it is the hard drive making a physical popping sound. It does not occur when Windows is generating a sound but when the CPUs are being taxed with heavy workload.
  15. Akshatha M

    Akshatha M Junior Member

    yes, I am also getting same problem.
  16. MisterG

    MisterG Bit poster


    I just want to report the same problem for me.

    I just upgraded to PD10 on my macbook unibody and had teh clicks (it rather sounds like a knock to me).

    I was first scared, it sounded like my macbook was "dilatating" and a piece was breaking (it heats up a bit when running Parallels), so Im "happy" to see this is a know issue.

    Now, I just want to fix this s... (I mean "stuff")

  17. MisterG

    MisterG Bit poster

    Absolutely, I agree with that. It s more like a mechanichal and physically triggered sound.
    As I said before, like a piece expanding under heat (also it's not really hot in my mac what this sounds start)
  18. HendraP

    HendraP Bit poster

    This also happening to me, odd sound 'blep' 'blep' it's not from headphone, but rather from hdd I think, but this only happen, when I start Parralel desktop 10
    I use Yosemite 10.10.1 , PD ver 10, SSD Cruxial MX100, Win 7 pro, I don't know what causing this...
    please helppp...
    anyone succes solving this ??
  19. HendraP

    HendraP Bit poster

    I've tried
    solution, for a couple of days I don't hear the blip sound when running pararel.... hope this works...

    For me the steps outlined at fixed the issue:
    Control Panel->Hardware and Sound->Sound; Playback tab
    Select "Speakers" then click "Properties"; Advanced tab
    From the "Default Format" selection list select a different format and click "Test"
    From the "Default Format" selection list select the default "16 bit, 44100 Hz (CD Quality) format and click "Test"
    In my case that resolved the issue..
  20. MarkWig

    MarkWig Bit poster

    I am getting the same problem - I have Parallels 10.1.3 and Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 on a Macbook pro 17 inch mid 2009
    The popping sound occurs whenever the system tries to play a sound or alert. It happens for both Windows and OS X sounds.
    Once it has started the popping problem with Mac sounds continues even when Parallels has been shutdown. The popping continues even when windows and OS X sound are set to 0! It does go away from Windows if you set the Sound to mute on the devices panel. But still get popping from OS X sounds.
    I've tried most of the solutions suggested so far. Including trying different sound formats - I went through every one each one just popped. I did manage to resolve it for a few hours the other day but can't remember how - Frustrating. However the problem has returned yet again.
    I have tried reinstalling parallels tools - how do I know if I have the latest versions?
    Am just about to restart OS X to see if it stays away.

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