Hello I'm using your Android Client to make a standard rdp conection, I'm also using a android device android 9. until now all is working well in the first tests. now that I'm preparing for deployment, and found problem. I will be using an app locker, or kiosk mode app, to avoid user from going around the device, they will only have acess to the Parallels client, but i would like to avoid them from creating new conection. is ther any way to have a shortcut directly for the RDP conection that I created, and this way don't give acess to creating a new conection? also my app locker needs the: Packadge Name in this case its "com.parallels.client", I have use also the Activity Name " com.parallels.access.ui.welcome.WelcomeActivity", but alows to go to the Welcome menu , and create a new conection. is there any other way? is there an Admin mode to lock the option of creating a new conection. best regards, thanks in advance
Ho Pedro, we have client policies that allow controlling features available on the client. There is one policy that will work for you: