Applications/games not working in Windows on Arm

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by Mikhail Ushakov, Feb 10, 2022.

  1. AshenPaladin

    AshenPaladin Bit poster

    Fate stay/night REMASTERED from Steam is crashing after it starts with no clear error message and it only does on Windows in Parallels since it works well on my PC.
  2. AshenPaladin

    AshenPaladin Bit poster

    I should probably also mention that I've seen the issue reported online by other players, and that it seems to be working on VMWare, so it might be an issue with Parallels and not specifically with Windows on ARM.
  3. JoeR14

    JoeR14 Bit poster

    Applications or games may not work on Windows on ARM due to compatibility issues with x86/x64 software. Check for ARM-specific versions or use emulation features like Windows Subsystem for Android.

    SWANDY Pro

    In English (not computer-wise) does this mean that games that require Direct X 12 will now work or not? Thanks.
  5. PHILIPH12

    PHILIPH12 Bit poster

    The same unsupported message came up like your screenshot. Is there an answer, Please? I have Installed Win11 pro ARM on an external SSD Using Parallel 19 to create the Vm. I then installed steam and downloaded Ghost Recon wildlands and it installed successfully. I then started the Game and the normal process started with the steam box stating the game is starting but soon a screen showed saying "Game not Supported on win11 ARM etc". If it started and installed properly there must be a solution? Much appreciate a solution from you Folks! I realise windows Games is not really made for Apple M series LAPTOPS.
    I have a new MacBook Pro m3 max 64GB MEMORY 2 TB SSD. I thought Parallels 19 and win11 pro. arm would somehow bypass The Apple Silicone M series Chips. Architecture. An answers would be appreciated. Thank you.
  6. Alan Shutko

    Alan Shutko Bit poster

    My understanding and experience is that the answer is "No, DirectX 12 games will not work." It sounds like there might be an edge case where a certain game that requires a small subset of DirectX 12 but not most of it _might_ work, but the games I've tested still don't work.
  7. AshenPaladin

    AshenPaladin Bit poster

    The application works on normal Windows on Arm and also works on Windows on Arm emulated on an Apple silicon MacBook while using VMWare Fusion, which is why admittedly I'm not sure if I posted about it in the right thread to begin with.

    But recommending the use of the Windows Subsystem for Android isn't necessarily a good thing because it was already announced to be deprecated and support for it will end in early 2025.

    SWANDY Pro

    Thanks. That's what I figured would be the case.
  9. Paul243

    Paul243 Bit poster

    After upgrading to Parallels Desktop 20 on a M1 Mac Ultra, Dungeons and Dragons Online won't run (it launches to the character selections screen just fine). After logging into the game, it auto-suspends Windows 11 Pro at the same spot in the loading screen when loading a selected toon. Submitted a report. Just FYI in case anyone else is experiencing similar issues after the upgrade.
  10. Alikli

    Alikli Bit poster

    I'm running World of Warships on my MacBook Pro M2 Max, and during the game, the airstrike reticle is not appearing, making it impossible to use this feature.
    Any help?
    Happy to give more detail as needed.
  11. DavidM174


    I remain proper baffled by the lack of Direct X 12 support, and given my sub is up for renewal in October I think I'm done with parralels until they sort it.

    If wine/whisky/crossover can do it, I'm not sure what I'm paying Parralels for other than a slicker interface?
    SWANDY likes this.
  12. SWANDY

    SWANDY Pro

    I do agree with what you said. My issue is that of the four programs/games I want/need - Parallels runs two of them perfectly and Crossover runs the two Diablo games perfectly. But I can't get Crossover to run the two programs that Parallels/Windows 11 runs. So for the time being I am stuck paying for both.
  13. Paul243

    Paul243 Bit poster

    Well, at this point, I'm bricked out on both my Mac's (M1 Ultra, M3) and can't run the only game I want to play. So, going to just purchase a gaming laptop and be done with it (and scuttle my Parallel's license).
  14. Marcus15


    Kingdom Hearts Remix 1.5 and 2.5 do not work they immediately crash.
  15. Silvan1

    Silvan1 Member

  16. AhmedA43


    Baldur's Gate 3 was working fine until the recent updates, not sure what is responsible, Parallels 20 or MacOS 15 but either way Windows auto suspends whenever I try to launch the game and gives me a critical graphics error. This did not happen before the updates. It does the same thing with the game's official modding toolkit, though the suspension happens at a slightly later stage; the toolkit launches but the crash occurs whenever I try to create a new project.
  17. AhmedA43


    Parallels 20 is the problem. I rolled back to 19 and the situation has been resolved.
  18. RonW8

    RonW8 Bit poster

    I'm trying to run MyGenius Client. It's an app that reads/ writes to an external USB "eco flasher" for vehicles. The software installs and runs, but it doesn't recognize the USB device. I can see that the device is recognized by Windows 11. The problem appears to be with the MyGenius updater. Whenever I try to run the updater, I get the following error:

    "Error with Genius: [E0000002] FTDI Dll Error: Dll not loaded [1424]"

    I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the software and have all anti-virus protections turned off. The main issue is that the MyGenius software is not seeing the USB device, which Windows does see, and I am unable to read/ write to the device.

    Any ideas?
  19. RonW8

    RonW8 Bit poster

    The reseller says:
    "Just click through the error it should be fine
    If you get through that and have the handheld plugged into the computer and the "info" option in our software cannot be clicked
    It means that your anti virus has deleted the drivers
    Please turn off firewall/anti virus
    delete software
    Redownload software and should be good to go
    Keep anti virus off throughout the duration of the tuning process."

    I have done the above several times. The MyGenius Client software runs (it's a 4 button interface: "download...", "upload", ,"info", and "update"). "Update" is the only available button and its the process that produces error.
  20. RonW8

    RonW8 Bit poster

    I followed these instructions:
    I can see it in Device Manager, under "Other devices > My Genius Device" with a little orange-warning triangle. I dug around and found a program to install a driver for it, but that didn't do anything. Haven't found a driver file for it yet.
    I still think it has something to do with that "FTDI Dll Error: Dll not loaded"

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