The only mouse issues I have had with any of my OS/2 based VM's is on install, the mouse tracking speed is always set at maximum, which is an annoyance. Of course CNTRL-ALT removes it's action when you move back to the mac desktop. I am using the Apple mouse. My first install in P12 was done in "dumb" mode. I let the vm do all of the settings with default configuration. Of course this is not the OS/2 way. After the P13 update, nothing changed so I reinstalled using the long method, i.e. I configured the VM before install so USB was there, then configured ArcaOS the long way, looking at all of the options. I had to select USB support, Seamonkey and a few others. I wanted Seamonkey because Firefox was not playing nice first time around. Installing the default configuration is certainly the best install of any OS/2 version ever, but definitely not a complete route.
Last edited: Aug 23, 2017