Backslash not available (Belgian keyboard layout)

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by MichaelKuys, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. MichaelKuys

    MichaelKuys Bit poster

    Ever since the upgrade to Parallels 8 the backslash character (\) and @ character do not work anymore.
    I am working on a Belgian keyboard (configured on Mac and on Windows 7 which is used as guest OS).
    Previously the following shortcut combination used to work: ALT + SHIFT + '<' which is exactly where the '\' is situated on a Belgian keyboard. For some reason this is no longer working.

    Note that I posted a support request with Parallels but so far no response.

    It seems not linked to any particular hardware or software setting on my side. A colleague of mine that is still runing Parallels 7 and the same exact setup (same MBP and keyboard) has no problem whatsoever.

    Anyone else having the same issue, and if so, any workaround or solution ?
  2. Hans Bellens

    Hans Bellens Bit poster

    On iMac (e.g. TextEdit) the combination " Shift + Alt + / " results in a backslash: \
    On iMac it does not matter which Alt you use, the one on the left of your keyboard or the one on the right of your keyboard, both result in typing the backslash \

    On the Parallels VM, only using the Alt on the right has the expected result

    --> Solution as such is to use "Shift + (Right)Alt + /"

    It seems to me that inside the VM the Alt on the right side is the so-called "AltGr"

    PS: I use OS X 10.8.2 and Windows 7 via Parallels 8
  3. Hans Bellens

    Hans Bellens Bit poster

    In addition to my previous post:

    Make sure that "access for assistive devices" is enabled on your Mac, you will find this in System Preferences / System / Accessibility / Bottom of the screen

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