backup can't be rebuilt - Backup funktioniert nicht

Discussion in 'Linux Guest OS Discussion' started by SteffenJ, Mar 27, 2012.

  1. SteffenJ

    SteffenJ Bit poster

    Hi there

    my server need to be changed yesterday. So old Plesk made update but I can't rebuilt them.

    On Plesk backend there is a sign that I have to load backup first do "Server-Repository". Backup is around 40GB and system stopped after around 4GB. So I load it by myselfe to my server.

    If I copy it now to /var/lib/psa/dumps/ Plesk do not show it in backend. What is wrong?
    It is a .tar data.

    BR Steffen
    Ubuntu 10.4, Plesk 10.2

    Hallo Leute,

    wenn ich ein Backup vom kompletten Server gemacht habe, dann kann Plesk die 40 GB nicht wiederherstellen! Die Backups sollen angeblich vom "Persönliches FTP-Repository" geholt werden können, um diese in das "Server-Repository" zu laden. Plesk bricht die Aktion schon nach kurzer Zeit ab.

    Holt man sich die Daten per Hand auf den Server und kopiert diese in das Verzeichnis /var/lib/psa/dumps/ dann erkennt Plesk die .tar Datei nicht, obwohl diese dort auch ablegt. Wie kommt man also hier weiter?

    VG Steffen
  2. SteffenJ

    SteffenJ Bit poster

    OK I found misstake. I wanted to put .tar data with 40 GB into /var/lib/psa/dumps. First I had to unzip them with command:

    # tar xvf xxxxxx.tar

    After that I have data I can copy to /var/lib/psa/dumps. Now I can see xxx.xml data in my Plesk backend. But system is telling me now, that it is unable to use that files. It was Plesk 10.2 before and after backup from server. So why system is telling me that is wrong data?

    Other question. When I am trying to copy data from my "personally FTP-Repository" to my "Server-Repository", system is shutting down connection. Which key must I change on my Ubuntu server that connection is holding for 2 hours? 40GB needs that time to come to my server.

    KR Steffen

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