I can't get my isight working in parallels since boot camp updated the isight firmware to 1.84. The cam works just fine under bootcamp. For reference, this is the system: Macbook Pro OS 10.4.9 iSight 1.84 Bootcamp 1.3 Parallels 3 (build 4128) Windows XP Pro I've installed the latest bootcamp windows drivers. Every time I connect the iSight through the Parallels devices menu Windows detects the camera and then installs it as "Apple Built-In iSight - Unprogrammed." Checking properties for this device in the XP device manager reveals that "no driver is installed" for the camera. If I try to update the driver or uninstall the device, the XP device manager crashes. I can CTRL+ALT+Delete kill the device manager, but after that XP will stall out on the "Windows is shutting down" screen. Can't even force quit parallels in the Mac OS at this point. Also, OSX stalls on a blue screen if I try to shut the machine down from here. I always have to do a hard restart. Thanks.
Okay, the frustration continues. I uninstalled the boot camp partition. Uninstalled Parallels. Reinstalled Parallels 3 (build 4128). Reinstalled a fresh VM of XP SP2. Loaded the Boot Camp 1.3 Driver disc. Ran the boot camp isight driver installer executable. Shut down windows. Restarted windows. Selected the isight from the Parallels device menu. XP tells me it has detected the isight. Then it tells me it has found an "Apple Built-In iSight - Unprogrammed." The device manager shows that "no driver has been installed for the device." If I try to disconnect the isight at this point, parallels gives me the spinning beach ball and locks. Can somebody please tell me what is going on?
Tried following the instructions on this thread, but the windows hardware wizard stalls while transferring WdfCoInstaller01001.dll to C:\WINDOWS\system32.
I am experiencing exactly the same problem. Would anyone help to solve? Would it be possible to downgrade the isight driver's version or something?
iSight in Paralles 3.0 I just realized that the problem is happening to me too. iSight doesn't work in Windows or Mac. In build 3188 with XP pro sp2 I was able to get it working with the bootcamp driver. After upgrading to 3.0 (build 4128) it no longer is functional. MacbookPro Intel Core2 osx 10.4.9 (afraid to upgrade and mess up my Blackberry sync) Parallels 3.0 In the Parallels USB devices it doesn't even show up so I can't try to install driver/use hardware wizard/etc. Anyone having luck with this?
iSight Problems Funny thing is last night I rebooted the computer and didn't start parallels. When i tried the iSight camera in photo booth it was working. Today I restarted the computer and tested it again in Mac & it is still working. I just started the VM. The camera continues working fine on the Mac side & also shows up on the Parallels USB device list. Don't really know what changed.
More isight madness... I reinstalled Boot Camp. The iSight works perfectly when booting to XP natively. Once again, I attempted to select the iSight from the USB devices list in Parallels, which I booted from the Boot Camp partition. Windows detects an "Apple Built-In iSight - Unprogrammed" and never finishes the driver installation. Here are screen grabs from the device manager:
Same issue here. I can tell you that it *will* re-disappear sooner or later. Zapping pram, not starting // and using isight on MacBook Pro (original one) works. Then start //, use it in //, still works in both. Go to sleep with // started, awake, and that's all. Got to rezap pram. Which does not always works on the first try. I have given more precisions on a later post.
Okay, seriously... almost two weeks later and nobody from SWSoft can comment on this? Also emailed tech support and have received nothing back. Wow.
Just to confirm the problem persists in new LED MBP, either Tiger 10.4.10, or Leopard 9A466. Seriously considering abandoning Parallels for other VM.
I guess I am not clear on what the problem is from reading the thread. The iSight does not work at all in the XP VM and/or does not even appear as a USB device in the PD device drop down? Nothing particularly helpful to add since mine works fine and has since 2.5. I did update the XP drivers for the iSight from the 1.3 beta Boot Camp CD (4/9/2007) and my device appears as "Apple Built-in iSight" in Device Manager.
Well, on my machine at least, the iSight disappears from Mac OS X USB device lists, which makes it also unavailable in Parallels Desktop obviously. On this machine, re-installing a clean Mac OS X 10.4.10 (all updates installed) keeps the isight happy and working. I can test this easily by booting on such a clean partition on my external disks at will. On a copy of such a clean working install, add Parallels Desktop. From there the exact moment I'll loose the isight is not very well defined. It seems to always at least work ONCE. I see the isight in Mac OS and can use it. I can see the isight in the XP VM, and it works there. Sooner than later, often after a sleep of the Mac OS, I loose the isight completely. Rebooting Mac OS X after a SMC reset **sometimes** (read: one out of 7 or 8 tries) get the isght back (not for long). Simply rebooting without any special actions to the pristine partition, gets the isight back immediately. So as far as *I* can tell, the defect is related to whatever Parallels Desktop does when installing itself in the system. To the best of my knowledge, this does not seem to happen on newer MacBook Pro models, only on the original one (like mine), the one with a Core Duo (Yonah) processor. It may well be related to the component itself or to the firmware, though on a clean partition which never met Parallels Desktop, it works fine. Parallels Desktop might only be the trigger of the problem and not the root cause. But if it could stop being that trigger, I'd be happy. Even though it won't be many months before I replace my current MBP with a newer one.
So you are saying your iSight works in both BootCamp AND Parallels. For us, the iSight works perfectly in BootCamp after 1.3 upgrade. However, in Parallels it is only recognized by the VM, but claims "driver not found", with a yellow question mark on the DM list. It even shows up in "My computer" list, but clicking it brings to nowhere, with different error messages reported from various sources. What Mac hardware your are using?
No Boot Camp here, just used the BC drivers to install the iSight in the PD XP VM. I followed the steps listed in an earlier post back when I used PD 2.5 to get my iSight working and followed them again with 3.0 as the device stopped working after the upgrade. Both times the device detected immediately after making it available under the Devices -> USB dropdown and prompted for the driver install. I manually pointed it at the driver folder and/or let it go automatically after installing the iSight driver package from the BC CD. Currently the iSight is available in My Computer any time I activate it and opens to display a live picture when I launch it. Works properly in Trillian and any other Windows app that I have tried it on. I am running a MacBookPro 2 (15" 2.16Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo) with 1 processor and 2GB of RAM. Boot ROM MBP22.00A5.B01, SMC 1.14f5. My iSight is v1.84. I in no way consider the problem reported here a non issue just because I don't appear to have it, I was just trying to understand what exactly was going on. Not having the device even appear in the PD drop down seems like it might be a different problem than the driver failing to detect/install correctly in Windows running through Parallels.
Specs: MacBook 1.25 GB RAM OSX 10.4.10 Parallels 3 build 4128 Ok I have tried this fix for iSight and I get this and that error code I don't see any one else getting. I also tried just letting Windows see it by selecting devices->USB-iSight and that installs and i see this in the device manager and get this when I check properties I notice the driver version is newer when I let windows install it, but both get that same error code (39). And possible ideas? I see nothing about anyone else getting that error code.
sorry for double post but I also tried installing with extracting the AppleiSightInstaller.exe from the boot camp drivers image, and I can't get windows to recognize it or try to install it. I'm not sure If i'm doing something wrong but when I tried running the drivers CD setup program in PD VM it said there was an error and i figured that had to deal with parallels not being boot camp or somthing. Is there a special way to get windows to see that driver? Would it even help?