I don't think the "Apple Built-in iSight - Unprorammed" thing has anything to do with Parallels at all. Exactly the same thing happened to me with my first XP-SP2 install on Boot Camp (MacBook Pro 17"). I initially installed Boot Camp 1.0, before there was any support for the iSight, and then each of the new Boot Camp updates. When iSight was finally supported, there it was! "Unprogrammed", and, of course, it wouldn't work. It just happens that I have a son, and I got an iMac for his birthday about that time. He, too, installed XP-SP2 on his Boot Camp, and the iSight was installed perfectly at the first attempt. I concluded that the problem was in the previous history of installations on XP, particularly in the previous installation of Boot Camp drivers. I looked up this problem on the Internet, and, sure enough, I wasn't the only case. What did I do? Well, I simply destroyed my Boot Camp partition, recreated a new one, reinstalled XP-SP2, plus Boot Camp, and, voilĂ , iSight was working. I think your case is similar, even if running on a VM. It will be difficult to solve the problem otherwise. And, most definitely, it is a Windows problem. Parallels has nothing to do with it, IMHO. Best.
I don't have boot camp installed tho. I would since it seems to work out for a lot of people, but I don't have enough hard drive space left. I have the 1st Gen MacBook high end which is only 80 GB of course a year later the RAM, HD, and Processor have doubled (go figure). But do you think installing Boot Camp would solve the problem?
As I said, the problem is caused by some basic flaw of Windows and/or its providers, one of them being Apple's Boot Camp drivers. In my Boot Camp experience, installing all Boot Camp drivers from the very first caused iSight not to work when the first iSight Boot Camp support appeared. Only when I installed XP from scratch and installed the first Boot Camp drivers actually supporting iSight (I'm not sure now, but it might have been 1.1), did the problem disappear. In your case, unless you actually want a physical Windows partition, you may not need Boot Camp at all, only its drivers. However, if my hunch is correct, you'll have to nuke your current Windows VM and create a new one from scratch. If you have enough space available on your Macintosh HD, leave your XP WM alone for now and simply create a new one using PD 2.5 or 3.0. Next install the latest Boot Camp drivers (1.3). If iSight works, and I think it will, you have your solution. Move your documents from the old VM to the new one. Nuke your old XP VM and reinstall whatever programs and/or games that used to be on it onto your new XP VM. If my suggestion doesn't work, no harm done. Just nuke the new XP VM. Best of luck. Let me know if it works.
I'll try that and let you know. Probably won't be until the weekend when I have some free time. But I'll keep you posted.
Sorry it took so long but I ended up nuking the HD for another reason and gave this a try again with downloading the drivers from that blog site, and useing those and it works fine now. Thanks for the help!