Boot Camp unresponsive once keyboard used

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by sillbeer, Jun 26, 2007.

  1. sillbeer

    sillbeer Bit poster

    I've been having a real problem getting my Boot Camp partition to play nice with the Parallels (v3.0 Build 4128). I'm running on a Mac Pro (Dual QuadCore), and setup the Boot Camp partition with Window XP. I initially had some big problems with the USB devices not working, but the mouse at least seems to be running.

    The problem occurs thus:

    I boot up Parallels and the Boot Camp VM. It starts Windows and my mouse is working - moving and clicking. As soon as I hit any on the keyboard (keyboard attached to either USB port on machine, or through Apple 23" Display USB Hub), the mouse continues to track, but there's no response from clicking or the keyboard. Only way to shutdown is to use the 'Action -> Stop' menu item.

    In the troubleshooting, I have removed the Parallels Tools using the KB article for manual removal, but this hasn't made a difference.

    I really don't want to install the version of Windows yet again (onto my 3rd install in this effort). In the meantime, I've setup a Parallels VM without Boot Camp and it seems to be running fine.


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