I am using 3188 of parallels. Every time I boot my bootcamp partition I have to autheticate twice and then it goes through the initializing Parallels tools. Is this normal? It definately drags out the bootup.
I am not quite sure what you mean by authenticate twice. If you have specified that option in your Parallels preferences, you have to authenticate (in Mac OS) to start up a Parallels system. And if your PC installation specifies that you need to log in, you have to enter your Windows password after you boot Windows. Is that what you mean by authenticate twice? If it is, just change the options in Parallels preferences and Windows user accounts. Everyone gets the Parallels Tools message while booting from a Boot Camp partition. You may have noticed that if you restart in Windows, you do not get the tools message. Then when you shut down Parallels restores the regular boot camp configuration. Booting Windows in Parallels is slower than in Boot Camp, but not a lot slower. If you want to avoid that delay, just create a regular (not boot camp) Parallels installation. It boots faster, and you can suspend it for near-instant startup and shutdown.
I'm having the same issue as mojo1733. When I start up my Boot Camp partition in Parallels, I have to authenticate twice (in the Mac OS). Similarly when I shut down, by the way (once). I cannot remember having specified this in my preferences, in fact, I can't find any place where I could turn this behavior off.
P.S. Clicking on the disclosure triangle in the authentication window reveals that Parallels requests the right "system.volume.unmount". Apparently it needs my authentication to unmount the Boot Camp volume from the desktop. How can I automate this so that it doesn't ask for it all the time?
I'm having the same problem but it only wants me to authenticate once in OS X. The requested right is for: system.priviledge.admin I may, however, have other keychain problems. I'm also getting the "paralells tools initializing" message upon starting the guest OS and sluggish performance while loading the OS. Macbook Pro 17" / 2.16Ghz / 2Gb / running Win XP on Fat32 formatted boot camp partition.
iwasnevy, as Al_Q pointed out: the Parallels tools initializing message is normal behavior. But what really bugs me is the authentication every time I start Parallels in Boot Camp. (If I compare that with VMWare Fusion running the Boot Camp partition, there's no authentication necessary there...) But I really looove Parallel for its Coherence feature. So does anyone have an idea on how to get rid of authentication when using Boot Camp?
I too have to authenticate when I first launch Parallels. I then get an error that it can't locate the bootcamp partition. If I then run the VM from the configuration screen, it will work.
This is a really, really frustrating problem for me. I am an admin in a research environment and we do not let users Administer their own Mac machines. Because of this administrative authentication required, I cannot roll out a combo Boot Camp + Parallels solution as I have to be there to mount and unmount disks. Unfortunately, I only realized this limitation (nothing seems to be written about it) after rolling it out across four MacBooks. Now I have to revert them all to regular Parallels installs. What a hassle and a pain. I hope Parallels can address this issue soon.
Perhaps there is a Mac OS X solution to this? I second the motion of intarwebs. But perhaps this is a problem with a simple Mac OS solution? After all, the problem seems to be that Mac OS X by default requires you to authenticate in order to unmount the partition. Perhaps something can be done by changing its permissions, etc.?
authentication problem solved Hi All For what it's worth, I've solved my problem with having to authenticate each time. I mentioned that I may have been having problems with my keychain (my gut told me that it wasn't paralells prompting the authentication each time) and that turned out to be the case. Somewhere during my archive and install of OS X, I managed to get some corruption into my keychain. I was also having problems with my dotmac account keychain syncing properly. I had to reset my keychain (DON'T DO THIS unless you know what you're doing!) and that seems to have taken care of the authentication problem. I'm going to try adjusting the ram in paralells to 512 to see if that improves performance. I may just get rid of bootcamp and go back to using a VM. -Kevin
We have the same problem on all our Macs. So it means that all have corrupted keychain. But I'm not sure of that and they don't connect to .mac. On post 4 rkowal mentioned "(If I compare that with VMWare Fusion running the Boot Camp partition, there's no authentication necessary there...)". So if this works on VMWare Fusion why not in Paralells. I've been loking for a solution on Parallels place but this problem are not mentioned anywhere. What informaton have we got from Paralells about this?
Interesting tip, I wasnevy. After resetting my keychain, I've been able to reduce authentication to once on startup, and none at shutdown. That's 66% of the problem solved.
Interesting! Unfortunately this still isn't good enough for my/enterprise situations, but it's good to hear that there is some semblance of a workaround. Here is Parallel's official statement on the situation: "As I know, it is impossible to mount/unmount boot camp partition w/o administrator's rights at this moment." So it looks like this problem won't/can't be solved anytime soon...
It is interesting that each of you say you are running Parallels in BootCamp or BootCamp in Parallels. Am I loosing something in the translation? Bootcamp is a Partition of the Mac HD where you install XP/Vista, and Parallels Desktop runs under the Mac OS. Neither would run simultaneously. I have neither of your problems. I run Vista successfully either under Parallels or under BootCamp. Please elaborate a little more on how you incorporate both.
I've disabled the automatic mount of the boot camp partition (via /etc/fstab), but Parallels asks two times for authentication: the first time for system.privilege.admin and the second time for system.volume.unmount. My question is: why is Parallels Desktop unmounting something that is not mounted? Regards, Frank
Admin prompts when launching Paralells from a Boot Camp partition. Having the same problem here, and this is definitely an issue for installations that require non-admin rights. Any chance there's a fix in 3.0?
If someone could find a way to stop OSX from automounting the Bootcamp partition I guess Parallels wouldn't have to unmount it each time and wouldn't need the password.
Still have to authenticate twice on startup and once on shut down of my boot camp partition with latest build 4128. Does noone have a clue why or what could be wrong? Thanks
Same thing here Just got off the phone (after trying for a week) with pay tech support. He didn't have a solution either. Glad to see others having the same issue. It's definitely a mount/unmount permission issue with folks using a Boot Camp partition. Why does Parallels need to unmount the partition in the first place? Can't they simply hide the drive, rather than unmount it if they are just trying to keep people from writing to it while in use? Right now, my people are having to completely reboot in Bootcamp everytime they need to change OS's without my being here to authorize them. It really is a huge problem. Please, someone figure out how to give system.privilege.admin, system.volume.unmount and system.volume.mount privilieges to a standard user! I can't find any info on it whatsoever. -Mike