Bulk file rename tool

Discussion in 'Parallels Toolbox Feature Suggestions' started by Beijder, Sep 10, 2023.

  1. Beijder

    Beijder Bit poster

    It would be great to have a utility that can (bulk) change the filename of all (selected) files in a folder/subfolders.
    For Windows there is a tool: https://www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk/
    • Rename files, folders or both.
    • Remove, add or change text in the file names.
    • Perform text substitution.
    • Change the case of file names.
    • Remove characters or words.
    • Remove digits or symbols.
    • Append or prepend text to file names.
    • Append the parent folder's name to a file name.
    • Append dates to file names in many formats.
    • Add text from the clipboard to multiple file names.
    • Auto-number files with very flexible rules.
    • Preview the new names before renaming.
    • Sort the file details by any column.
    • Filter files to rename using wildcards, name length or path length, regex or even javascript conditions.

    Attached Files:

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