Can I directly use the same VMDK files cross Parallels and VMware without clone or convert?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by wwh1, Mar 23, 2022.

  1. wwh1

    wwh1 Bit poster

    I need to use the same VMDK disk files cross my Parallels on Mac and VMWare on the other Windows laptop. Can I do that without clone and convert them but directly mount them to both virtual machines?

  2. Bhargava

    Bhargava Bit poster

  3. wwh1

    wwh1 Bit poster

    Thanks Bhargava!
    But my question is not to use a full clone. I want to keep the same VM disk files but run it on Parallels or VMWare or VirtualBox at any time. For example I can run my VM on VirtuallBox or on Vmware without creating a new clone or copy. I have one .vbox file and one .vmwarevm files but the .vmdk files are same. So I can store my VM on USB disk and easily run it on either Windows or Mac or Linux and on my office desktop or my home desktop or my laptop with Parallels or VMWare or VirtualBox. To me it is one VM whose harddisk always keeps up to date no matter I run it on different VM platforms.

  4. wwh1

    wwh1 Bit poster

    I made some progress to switch the boot to Legacy BIOS, by adding "vm.bios.efi=0" in Boot Flags and changing <EfiEnabled> to 0 in config.pvs. And I could get boot from the disk but got error "A critical error has occurred while reading/writing to Hard Disk 0 used by "Windows 10"". "Windows 10" is my VM name.
    I uses a 200GB vmdk (splited to 20 2GB files) harddisk and could boot it in Vmware with legacy BIOS. I created an empty VM in Parallels and then configure the Harddisk to this 200GB vmdk. Then I wanted to run it directly.
    Any suggestion on that?
  5. wwh1

    wwh1 Bit poster

    I could find some error logs in the parallels.log:
    03-27 23:54:41.376 F /vdisk:62619:128ec7/ !!! ERROR: GetEncryptionSalt for VMDK is unimplemented!

    03-27 23:54:41.414 F /HddUtils:62619:128ec7/ hdd: RH enabled on disk 1
    03-27 23:54:41.414 F /AbstractFile:62619:128ec7/ open64() error: 20, flags = 0x0, disp = 0x1000000

    03-27 23:54:45.358 F /vdisk:62619:128efc/ Wrong cache content at 'read': snap id 0/0x0 is out of range (<= 0) [lba = 0, storage 0, offset 0x280]. Internal error.

    03-27 23:54:45.381 F /vdisk:62619:128efc/ CacheFile: invalid bitmap (not loaded?)
    03-27 23:54:45.381 F /vdisk:62619:128efc/ DiskGroups: } cache file
    03-27 23:54:45.381 F /vdisk:62619:128efc/ ASSERT( false ) occured in DiskStatesImp.cpp:1910 [SubmitAsync]
    03-27 23:54:45.381 F /HddUtils:62619:128efc/ ERROR: 8
    03-27 23:54:45.381 F /LocalDevices:62619:128efc/ [hdd::sata:1] restart flags 0x00001000 dl 12515
    03-27 23:54:45.381 F /vdisk:62619:128efc/ Wrong cache content at 'read': snap id 0/0x0 is out of range (<= 0) [lba = 0, storage 0, offset 0x280]. Internal error.

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