Can I install old || version on old Mac with expired subscription?

Discussion in 'Licensing and Activation' started by MatthewS25, Sep 8, 2023.

  1. MatthewS25

    MatthewS25 Bit poster

    When I upgraded to an M1 Mac, I was disappointed to learn that the ARM version of Parallels would not run my OSX 10.12 Sierra (Intel) on the M1 Mac. I reluctantly abandoned Parallels and allowed my subscription to lapse.
    I bought an old second-hand Intel Mac to run my outdated accounts software (never to be updated). It now occurs to me that I can run Parallels 18 on that and regain access to my OSX 10.12 guest image to copy files from it.
    QUESTION: Do I have to pay for a new subscription just to gain temporary access to the OSX 10.12 guest image, or can I run it in "expired" mode (without, of course, any updates)?
    In summary: Licensed version of Parallels 18, expired subscription
  2. MatthewS25

    MatthewS25 Bit poster

    I've answered my own question by trying to run it on an Intel Mac. The answer is no.

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