Cannot activate on new Mac

Discussion in 'Parallels Toolbox for Mac' started by JasonP9, Nov 21, 2017.

  1. JasonP9

    JasonP9 Bit poster

    Hi there, I cannot activate my license on my new Mac. It says it is the wrong account despite it being my only account with Parallels. Even more bizarrely when I bought this on 30th August it was sent to the email address I am trying to use.

    My old Mac died, I got a new Mac and I have to say it feels like customers are made to jump through hoops to get Parallels working again. I tried to submit a ticket but my support code tab is blank. So I cannot support a ticket.

    Can you please sort this out because I really need Parallels to work. Your efforts are much appreciated.
  2. Alfena@Parallels

    Alfena@Parallels Pro

    Hello @JasonP9 , Please check your private message and provide us the necessary details.
  3. JasonP9

    JasonP9 Bit poster

    Hi there, thanks for the reply. I have replied to the PM.
  4. Meenakshi@Parallels

    Meenakshi@Parallels Pro

    You're welcome. Please get back to us for any further queries. Thanks!

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