Cannot Connect to Application Server

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by SWhite1, Oct 13, 2006.

  1. SWhite1

    SWhite1 Member

    I have downloaded and installed the latest version of the Application Server-Load Balancer on a customers Dell Windows 2003R2 server which has Terminal Services installed with 5 client licenses.

    I am able to connect and launch their applications from my workstation without any problems. The publishing to the web browser also works fine.

    I then went to the customer's home computer installed the Windows client from the published application's web page. However when I try to connect to the application server I receive and error saying that client was unable to connect to the 2X application server. The client is running Window XP SP2 and connects to the Internet via high speed internet using cell (ie cell phone) network. The IP address for the application server is correct.

    I uninstalled the client software and reinstalled it but with no luck. Any ideas why I can connect from one WinXP workstation but not another?

    Simon White
  2. Jemboy

    Jemboy Guest

    For every application you publish, a .2x files file is made.
    In this file you'll find the name of your terminal server e.g MyWin2003.

    When you access the application within your network, the client just find your server: MyWin2003.

    However if you connect from outsite your network, the "internet PC" can not find "MyWIn2003" because it's not an internet name.

    When you publish your site for external use, you have to change the External 2X Client Gateway to an www-address (I use a dynamic address) or your external address. Please make also sure the 2x Application port is forwarded to your server.
  3. SWhite1

    SWhite1 Member

    RE; Can't connect to the Application Server


    Yes I understand what you have said and I am using dynamic ip from The strange thing is that both client's are accessing the application externally via the Internet one client works correctly and the other gives the error that it cannot connect to the 2X Application Server. Both clients are WinXP both installed the client software from the published applications web page. Both are using the correct address. I have even tried entering the IP address in directly but it does not help.

  4. Jemboy

    Jemboy Guest

    Can not really help you further (I only have installed 2X twice), but if one of the client connects via Internet but is on the same network as your server it's probably connecting internally to the server.

    So if you think you are connecting via Internet, please be sure you are NOT connected to the server's network. This has been true for every terminal server like contruction I have work with in the past.

    Also some routers detect you are on the same network and direct the internet traffic internally, so you think every thinks work untill you go to an external site...

    BTW I have only used the 3.x version...

    P.s. I you give me an PM with your server address, I might have a look for you...
  5. nixu

    nixu Guest

    Enable Logging from the 2X Application Server Console and apply the new settings.

    Make a connection with the client that works, then with the one that you have an issue with.

    At least you should be able to see if a connection has been establashed sucessfully.


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