Cannot find Virtual HDD in folder, in order to expand

Discussion in 'Parallels Image Tool' started by Gordon H, Dec 6, 2009.

  1. Gordon H

    Gordon H Bit poster

    Trying to use Disk Image Tool to expand my Virtual HDD from 8 GB to something bigger ... when I browse to the <Username>/Documents/Parallels folder to find the VHDD to expand, that folder is completely empty. Also looked in the Documents folder at the Mac HD level, empty.

    Running host Snow Leopard 10.6.2, with Parallels 5.09220 upgraded sequentially from older versions, guest is MSW XP.

    Suggestions appreciated.

  2. Stuw

    Stuw Parallels Developers

    Hi, Gordon

    Virtual hard disk images typically are located within VM bundle. Where your VM is placed?

    Tip: open Virtual Machine Configuration on Hardware tab. In a devices list choose Hard Disk 1. Place your mouse under Source drop box. You will see a balloon with a virtual hard disk place.
  3. Gordon H

    Gordon H Bit poster

    Resolved, thank you


    Per your suggestion, went to VM>Configure, selected Hard Disk 1, hovered below Source rolldown window, and voila, HDD location was displayed and I could then browse to it from Image Tool. Turns out VHDD was in UserName>Library>Parallels, then nested within a couple more folders.

    After that, expanding disk worked fine. Is this location OK, or would it improve performance to move it to the usual (default) location?

    Many thanks,

  4. Stuw

    Stuw Parallels Developers

    Moving a virtual disk image to other location on the same physical hard drive will not improve performance.
    To change default folder for VMs, choose menu Parallels Desktop->Preferences and select General tab. On this page you will be able to change location.

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