Cannot install Windows 11 (ARM) on M1 in Parallels 19.4.1

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by MichaelC90, Jul 8, 2024.

  1. MichaelC90

    MichaelC90 Geekomak Bit poster

    Im getting this error message when I try to install windows 11 in parallels 19.4.1. The tried automatic an manual install. I get the same error. Also tried install ISO file of Windows 11 (ARM), same error message.

    Attached Files:

  2. MichaelC90

    MichaelC90 Geekomak Bit poster

    Thank you for response. Im still not able to get past the error message screen. It just won't install windows 11 ARm.
  3. LeRoi

    LeRoi Hunter

    Are you trying your install from the Parallels application?
  4. LeRoi

    LeRoi Hunter

    I just took a second look at your screenshot and the "Not Compatible" message might be a better thing to post. What Mac model, amount of memory, hard disk space, and all of the other specs are you using?
  5. MichaelC90

    MichaelC90 Geekomak Bit poster

    Hi there, the 'not compatible' is my older 'intel' windows vm which is not compatible with Apple Silicon.

    Im running a Mac Studio M1 Max with 32gb ram and 2TB SSD.
  6. LeRoi

    LeRoi Hunter

    Are you installing from the Parallels program? I run nothing but ARM machines (M2 MacBook pro, Studio Pro Ultra, MacBook Air) and have always used the Parallels install before installing beta releases on some of these. Check in your personal folder/Parallels for a windows 11.PVM file. If there is one, delete it. This will remove any pre-existing VM's. It's possible (unlikely, but possible) that you don't have enough free disk space for the initial install.

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