Hi there, someone might help me... I downloaded Parallels 3 demo and tried to install WinXP SP2 - I used the same install CD with which I succesfully installed XP previously under BootCamp. But with Parallels the CD was not recognized during boot - it said it's not a system disc. I also tried it with a disk image created with Dusk Utility, with no success. What should I do?
CD/DVD Not Recognized Same situation as previous post. CD/DVD in Windows XP Pro is not recognized. It appears in lower right portion of Windows screen but has small red 'x'. I would reinstall Parallels and Windows XP Pro, but can't do that since Windows doesn't see or recognize the CD. Until it recognizes the CD, I can't reinstall the drivers/whatever that needs to be fixed so that I fix the CD. Feels like a vicious circle. Have tried looking for drivers to download and install. Have tried the Windows updaters and repairs. Have tried calling Apple. Anyone have a suggestion to repair and move on? All works fine on Apple side. All software updaters have been installed.http://forum.parallels.com/images/smilies/confused.gif
Forgot to mention... ...that I sent a message to Parallels Support but noone answered. I have only 5 more days to try the demo. Disapponiting...
No more Parallels Hi there (does anyone read these posts?!) Finally, I could not get Parallels Desktop to run, so after reading a forum topic somewhere I tried VMWare Fusion beta. Funny, it works I bought it. Good luck! Regards, Yoyand
I've tried everything on this forum and nothing works. Based on the number of problems people are having, I'd say this is just a crappy program. And the support stinks. Deleting it.