Cannot launch IE on Parallels 14 on High Sierra, Macbook 12 - laptop quits and restarts

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by SimonN4, Oct 9, 2018.

  1. SimonN4

    SimonN4 Bit poster

    I was using the 14 happily when the screen goes black and the laptop restarts. Tried to restart but same problem every time.
    Error message is laptop had to restart due to an error! Unhelpful.
    Have downloaded new versions, reinstalled 14 and still no joy.
    Any ideas? Thanks, Simon
  2. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi @SimonN4, please start the virtual machine and go to Action (Mac menu bar) -> Reset to fix the issue. Thanks!
  3. SimonN4

    SimonN4 Bit poster

    Thks Paul: I cannot start the virtual machine - i assume you mean the windows side I am trying to use. Every time I launch 14 the windows side tries to open - sometimes goes to repair mode then goes black and laptop restarts without a windows side available.
    cannot screen shot while its happening
  4. SimonN4

    SimonN4 Bit poster

    If there is an easy way to open the virtual machine then please advise the steps.
    Also how to open the mac menu bar and find Action - thanks, Simon
  5. SimonN4

    SimonN4 Bit poster

    Cannot add these screen shots as too big.
    Have sent by email to the support email.
  6. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    Screenshots you have shared in the email just contains Windows loading screen. Can you confirm if the issue is there even before installing Parallels Desktop 14?

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