Hello Everyone, I just downloaded and installed 2x Client for RDP/Remote Desktop on my hTC phone. The problem is that i'm a noob in connections and networks. I have a router (LinkSys) set up on my desktop and I can access the network. However i'm not sure if i'm getting my IP address correct! I tried setting up a connection, but every time an error notification about incorrect server name and ip address comes out. can you give me a step by step way to connect to my desktop? consider i can't get info . I also need to know what info to fill up in the app (ports, username and password [for what exactly?]), plus do i need to have any software installed on my desktop? thanks in advance!
Hi there, assuming that you don't use the 2xGateway but you simple want to connect from your andrid to your hme PC desktop you've to use the "RDP connection" NOT the 2xConnection. Further your desktop OS needs to support "remote desktop". This is just the case for pro, enterprise and ultimate versions but NOT home editions. Here you find all needed infrmation (http://www.2x.com/docs/en/manuals/html/ ... droid.html). The credentials for a RDP connection are: Alias Enter an Alias name that describes your connection. It's JUST a name nothing else. *Server Enter the primary server name or IP address of the connection. (Either the IP of your desktop or the router, depends on the environment design). *Port For all RDP connections the default port is 3389. (Thats way you need remote desktp support.) *User Name/Password Enter your account user name, i.e.: user@domain and password as you have them set up on you wrkstation. Kind regards,