Can't configure VM

Discussion in 'Windows Guest OS Discussion' started by Phil Stripling, Feb 3, 2010.

  1. Phil Stripling

    Phil Stripling Bit poster

    I'm running the latest version of Parallels for Windows/Linux, downloaded last week. I've set up
    a VM for Windows 2000, and I can't configure the virtual machine. I need to get the CD/DVD player
    and the USB ports accessible, and the VM won't/can't see them.

    I'm using the trial version to make sure these two items are accessible. If they are not accessible
    under Parallels, I'm unable to use it. Any clues on why I can't get them to work? They're grayed out
    in the configure pane. See videos at
  2. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team


    It seems that autorun from CD is disabled in Windows, please click "My Computer" -> "CD-Rom (D:)" (and may be install.exe in the CD-Rom) after connecting image with tools (either by choosing VirtualMachine->Install Tools or by manually choosing the image, it doesn't matter).

    The settings of virtual machine is only possible to edit when Virtual Machine is stopped.

    Btw, what goes on when you are click USB in the status bar and choose "Mass Storage Device"? I expect that this device should appear inside Windows. May be you need to click "My Computer", because if autorun is really disabled, the disk will not be opened automatically.
  3. Phil Stripling

    Phil Stripling Bit poster

  4. Phil Stripling

    Phil Stripling Bit poster

    Got it installed

    Okay, Eric, many thanks for your helpful suggestions. I got the Tools installed and the VM now recognizes the USB thumbdrive.

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