Can't connect to Windows 8 desktop

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for iOS' started by Russc, Sep 1, 2012.

  1. Russc

    Russc Guest

    I have a desktop that I upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 8. I previously could connect via RDP when it was windows 7, however now all I get is a black screen. No error message, but also no anything else. I'm connecting using the latest iOS client. Any ideas?

  2. woqz

    woqz Hunter

    I don't think connectivity to windows 8 machines are supported as of yet. There is no mention in the change log on the appstore referencing Windows 8 support.
  3. Fladnag

    Fladnag Bit poster

    I have just installed Win 8 on my machine and have same issue. Black screen. No doubt they will support this soon I hope.
  4. jpc

    jpc Pro

    The latest version of the 2X Client for iOS connects properly to both Windows 8 and Windows 2012 Server.
  5. rendarprophecy

    rendarprophecy Bit poster

    I'm not sure that this will resolve your issue or not. But, I had an issue when trying to connect to our servers and seeing a blue or black screen, nothing else. Then I realized that I could scroll within the 2X window and see my desktop and start menu. Note: I have 3 monitors

    I went into the Connection Properties of one of my connections and found that if you uncheck the option in Display to "Use all monitors for Desktop session (if applicable)".

    Once this was unchecked (and I hit OK), and I tried to reconnect to the server, *poof* I was able to connect and see the desktop of the server. All I had to do then was apply this change to each connection.

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