Can't create symbolic link in shared folder in Fedoar14 Guest OS and Lion Host OS

Discussion in 'Linux Guest OS Discussion' started by SubrataM, Aug 14, 2011.

  1. SubrataM

    SubrataM Bit poster

    I can't create symbolic link in the shared folder (/media/psf/Home).
    I am using "Parallel Dektop for Mac 6" and "Fedora 14" as guest OS. I have installed the latest Parallel tools after installation of the Fedora 14.
    When I try to create a symbolic link (ln -s Downloads dnld) in /medi/psf/Home, I get following error:
    ln: creating symbolic link `dnld': Operation not permitted

    I have also tried Fedora 15 - I get the same error.

    Is there any work around? Do I have to do change anything the way shared folder is mounted on the Guest OS?
    Thanks for your help.
  2. cstueben

    cstueben Bit poster

    ...I've got the same issue on Ubuntu 11.10 on Parallels 6 on OSX...

    Any suggestions?

    With best regards

    Christian Stueben

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