I never had a problem printing from MS access with parallels before. All of a sudden it tells me it won't print because the usb is being used by another application and to unplug and try again. Doesn't work. Yet when I go back to mac it prints fine. Any ideas to the problem?
Happens to me all the time. I am not sure why, but the way I get around it is to go up to "DEVICES" and click on USB, then the printer I am trying to use. It releases it from OSX and lets me print. Pain in the butt, but it works.
when I go to devices the first time and click it is when it tells me it is being used by another app. Then when I go to devices again and go to usb the printer is no longer listed. I've used this for 2 months and never had the problem before today.
Me too I am having the same problem, I've used the program for about a month and all of sudden I can't access any USB devices (printer or jumpdrive) excluding my mouse and keyboard. I get the same error and when I go to devices in my VM to check it; it disappears from the list. Any clue what can be done???
Parallels has morphed to the point where it is now very important to provide basic but essential information: OS X version. For example, 10.4.9, or 10.4.10. Parallels: Build number 4124, or 3188, or 3214 are examples. Include the version of Parallels Tools if running a Windows VM. Configuration and problem: - Printing to USB printer attached directly to Windows, printing fails. - OS X is attached to USB printer. Printer is shared, Windows uses Bonjour for printer access. OS X prints fine but Windows printing fails. - Thumb drive. Have ejected it from OS X but Windows cannot see it. - Thumb drive. Have not ejected it from OS X and Windows cannot see it. - Treo syncs in OS X but is not seen in Windows. Etc. What changed? - Just installed version x.x - New installation in Boot Camp. - New user, new installation - Just downgraded to build 3xxx from 4xxx. Help us help you.
To DKP's list, there is also the virtual "Parallels" Port, which automatically installs with 3.0 and could be a factor.
I downloaded an upgarde to Parallels recently. also everytime I open xp it wants to install tools. macbook pro ,os10.4.10 parralels 2.5 build 3212 tools 3212 won't install windows xp
Thanks...here's some more info I am running 10.4.10 OS X, Parallels build number 3188...where can I find the version of Parallels Tools??? I have a USB printer hooked up to my iMac, I have tried both automatically detect USB devices OFF and ON. In the past, I have had to go to my control panel in Windows and make sure the printer was online every time I opened windows as well as try to check it off in devices (in Parallels). Printer was not shared, I was using it directly through Windows. The jumpdrive was also used directly through Windows, the mac only picked it up when I plugged it in with Windows closed. If the mac sees it, windows doesn't, so I always make sure windows is open before I plug it. This problem started a few days ago...nothing has changed. I have not installed any new programs or reinstalled anything. I just keep getting the same error that the USB device is being used by another app., and to unplug and try again...when I do, same error. i appreciate any help
This is a known broken combination. You need to download and install build 3214 which corrects USB problems introduced in OS X 10.4.10. This may correct some or all of your problems but there's no point to continue fighting this until 3214 is installed.
Have you tried installing Bonjour for Windows? Printing is made far more complex when you try to force the printer to run in two OS's concurrently because they were never intended to work this way. By using Bonjour your Mac is the only physical connection to the printer and Windows can access it seamlessly without fighting for possession of the USB connection.
If you continue to have problems with the repeating tools installation try this. In the Parallels Devices menu select Disconnect CD and Floppy.
I just installed bonjour but don't know if it working correctly. I downloaded 3214 and the tools. This time I clicked on devices and the printer was recognized. Does this mean that bonjour is working?
No. It means you are still using Parallels to toggle the USB printer device between OS X and Windows. To avoid that toggling business: 1. Use the Parallels Device -> USB menu to disconnect any printer devices. 2. In OS X: Share the printer. 3. In Windows: Install Bonjour and use the Bonjour wizard to attach the shared printer. 4. Print from Windows, print from Mac, print from both at the same time. So what, you might ask, is the big deal about toggling the device? In many modern printers the printer driver will check with the printer from time to time to see if it needs paper, ink, etc. If you have this kind of driver installed in both OS X and Windows then sooner or later you will be printing from one OS and the other OS will ask the printer how things are going and that will create havoc with your print job. By limiting the connection to just one OS and sharing it all printer data is streamed in proper sequence to the printer.
I have a related question. I have a HP 1200 printer and Bonjour installed, and have no problem printing either the Windows XP files or Mac OS X files to that printer. But I also own a Canon mulitfunction (MF 5750). It works fine on the Windows side but I can't get anything to print on it from the Mac side. I'd like to ditch the HP so all I have is the Canon (as it's my only scanner and copier.) Mac OS X 10.4.10. Parallels 3.0 build 4124
Link to the download Do you have a link to the download to install bild 3214? I've been having this problem for weeks now and am beside myself with frustration. Thanks for any help!
I don't see a "help" at the top, and therefore, don't see anywhere to "click check for upgrade". Am I just missing it? Thanks...