Hey there guys, im trying to install a centOS image on parallels in order to study linux. i have the m1 processor. i download the Everything image from : http://centos.mirror.garr.it/centos-altarch/7.9.2009/isos/aarch64/ and it doesn't seem to work. parallels says that 0kb of memory will be used. i guess the image is broken? i cant boot the image with another software aswell can you tell me where can i find a clean CentOS7/8 image that parallels can work with? atm i use ubuntu and its a bit different when it comes to learning linux...
https://www.parallels.com/products/...586-215827000.1639036490#requirements-guestos Only ARM versions of operating systems are supported. Windows 11 on ARM (recommended) Additional information on the M1 experience may be found in this article. Windows ARM can run most of the regular Windows x86 applications. You can download the Parallels Desktop trial and install the application of your interest. If it doesn't work, let us know at Parallels Forum. Ubuntu Linux 21.10, 21.04, 20.10, 20.04 Fedora Workstation 35, 34, 33-1.2 Debian GNU/Linux 11, 10.7 Kali Linux 2021.3, 2021.2, 2021.1 macOS Monterey 12 (in-app download)