Change Chassis Type for Windows Guests

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by ph4wks, Jan 18, 2017.

  1. ph4wks

    ph4wks Junior Member

    In VMware the chassis type is set to 1 which is in the range for physical Desktop devices (even though the VM is installed on a laptop running VMware fusion) however in Parallels at least for the VM running on my laptop its set to 9 which is in the range of laptops and notebooks etc.

    The question is... is it possible to fix the chassis type in Parallels VM config file to a specific number so that I get consistent behaviour between VMware and Parallels VMs?

    For those interested in why... we use the chassis type to determine which software to install on devices.

    WMI Query is:
    get-wmiobject win32_systemenclosure chassistypes
    __GENUS : 2
    __CLASS : Win32_SystemEnclosure
    __DYNASTY :
    __RELPATH :
    __DERIVATION : {}
    __SERVER :
    __PATH :
    ChassisTypes : {1}
    PSComputerName :

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