Dear Users, I am using Parallels 17 in the 14 day trial period and trying to use a MDM and need the same Serial number as my host. To do this I follow this kb which says it should be possible from V17: However it does not work: 1) Terminal prlctl list -a does not show any VM 2) Configuration button is not visible 3) config file: config.pvs does not exist I managed to create a config.ini, but I do not know how to add the option in this format: [Hardware] vCPU.Count=2 Memory.Size=2147483648 Display.Width=1028 Display.Height=1024 Display.DPI=120 Sound.Enabled=1 Network.Type=1 devices.smbios.serial="XXXXXYYYYYZZZZ" devices.mac_hw_model="MacBook8,3"
The sad answer is, that macOS guest support on m1/m2 MacBooks is still very limited. You can create a config.ini but only some of the basic settings can be influenced by it like adding another hd-image, setting vcpus or a fixed resolution. Login to an Apple-ID is not possible and changing the UUID is also not possible. You can register your macOS vm to prlctl by using 'prlctl register /path/to/your/vm' but it only helps to be able to clone, stop or start it. All limitations and hints can be find on the following links: