Changing fonts when zooming in...

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by NeilL2, Sep 6, 2017.

  1. NeilL2

    NeilL2 Junior Member


    Running a fresh installation of Windows 10 VM via Parallels Desktop 13 on a MacMini

    When using cad program (AllyCAD) the text does a weird flip from the installed opentypefont when viewed at up to around 100-150% and then changes to a standard / arial looking font at greater magnifications.

    Thus did not happen on my previous setup (same program on a PC) so I'm not sure what the cause is. Might there be a setting in Parallels to correct this behaviour (have looked and tinkered with configuration but cannot find anything that resolves the issue)?

    Would very much appreciate any pointers!

  2. NeilL2

    NeilL2 Junior Member

    ... to illustrate:
    This is a PD13 view that looks (almost) as it should - note however that the letter spacing of the M and A in 'INFORMATION' and the forward slash in 000/00 are too close PD13 view 1.png
    This is the same view from a PC -
    PC view 1.png
    when zooming in on PD13 we get the following - note the larger font on LHS has reverted to another font style.
    PD13 view 2.png

    and zooming in further gets the following - note all fonts have changed
    PD13 view 3.png

    whereas zooming to similar levels on a PC gives the following results
    PC view 2.png PC view 3.png
    where the font is clearly correctly scaled.

    Attached Files:

  3. NeilL2

    NeilL2 Junior Member

    Resolved - basic error in not checking for updates of installed CAD program - once brought up to date the problem went away - many thanks to serv for posts on other thread!
  4. Arun@Parallels

    Arun@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi @NeilL2 , glad that your issue is resolved. Please reach us anytime for further assistance.

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