Charged for inactive subscription

Discussion in 'Licensing and Activation' started by ChristopherT17, Sep 29, 2024.

  1. ChristopherT17

    ChristopherT17 Bit poster

    I have been charged £54.99 for a subscription that isn't listed on my account pages anywhere. I checked a couple of weeks ago that I had no subscriptions as I haven't used the product in several years and didn't want any more charges.

    My account page shows nothing active. Can you please refund invoice 480615929 and deactivate whatever recurring payment mechanism that is active on my account.

    Attached Files:

  2. Adarsh Jeetun

    Adarsh Jeetun Staff Member

    Hello @ChristopherT17 ,
    We were able to locate the license and found that it was not registered on any account.
    As such, we have cancelled the subscription and processed a refund for the latest renewal. It usually takes around 5 - 7 business days for it to be credited to your account.
    Thank you!
  3. ChristopherT17

    ChristopherT17 Bit poster

    Thank you for solving this mystery.

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