ChromeOS client support drive/device redirection

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server Feature Suggestions' started by ParallelsU320, Dec 9, 2019.

  1. ParallelsU320

    ParallelsU320 Junior Member

    Hallo Parallels team,
    we have installed Parallels Client in our Chromebook, when USB stick connects with Chromebook, the USB drive will be shown in the App "My Files". But from Prallels Client, we can not see the USB stick/drive. USB Redirection to Prallels Client does not work.
    Test with :
    * Acer Chromebook 715 (Core i5, 8th Gen)
    * Parallels Client from chrome web store with Version 17.0.21472

    we wish that ChromeOS client can support drive/device redirection. In this way the USB/Kamera can be redirected from lokal to RAS-SH. It is very useful and necessary for employee, who works with ChromeOS at home or underway.

    Glad to see your reply. Thanks.
    Best Regards
  2. Alexey Kutuzov

    Alexey Kutuzov Parallels Team

    Dear ParallelsU320,
    It was not possible at the time when we checked drive redirection last time. We will check drive redirection first and then USB device redirection.

    Thank you!

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