Citrix Netscaler VPX on Parallels Desktop 10

Discussion in 'Other Virtual machines' started by JoelC1, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. JoelC1

    JoelC1 Bit poster

    Hi everybody,

    Anybody here already tried to import a citrix netscaler vpx 10.1 or 10.5 on parallels desktop 10, because i'm unable to get it working, and i really need it, this is a reason why i bought a macbook pro and parallels desktop ? :)

    Thanks in advance.

    NB: The error seems to come from the network card, netscaler vm claims that it cannot find ethernet adapter.

    I've also opened a ticket on parallels desktop support 2 days ago, but no news :
  2. JoelC1

    JoelC1 Bit poster

    Hey all, i fixed the problem.

    As my DC is 2012 R2, i've added more memory and cpu, and added the hyper-v role on this VM.

    I've then imported netscaler vpx on the hyper-v, not so fast, but it's working [​IMG]
  3. MikeV1

    MikeV1 Bit poster

    Is there any change we can run the Netscaler directly on parallels? Mine is also complaining about no network cards.
  4. JoelC1

    JoelC1 Bit poster

    I've opened a new case, the team remotely my laptop and take some logs and screens, i've also supplied the nestler vpx vm, and the dev tea is working on it, probably will be compatible in the next release, i've received an updated case some weeks ago that the dev team is still working on it, and then, no news, we have to wait ;)
  5. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    have you tried to select "e1000" as emulated card in the VMConfig -> Hardware -> Network?
  6. MikeV1

    MikeV1 Bit poster

    Hey Elric, parallels only let me select Virtio, Intel Pro 1000 MT or Realtek RTL 8029. The realtek should be supported by freebsd but it will not show up. Is there somebody with some FreeBSD kwnoledge who can point me how to load the nic drivers?
  7. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Intel PRO 1000 MT is actually e1000 - sorry for misunderstanding
    I believe the FreeBSD supports e1000 and it is much better choice then Realtek.
    BSD also support virtio, but it is a bit harder to tune it.

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