We are currently using Citix Metaframe, with published applications. We do not allow desktop icons for quite a few of our PC's (factory environment). We accomplish this via Windows group policies. In Citrix we install the client, create a folder on the local PC, then create a shortcut to that folder which is accessed through the Start button on the client. Each PC has its own client name, such as wm101, wm102, etc. When we install Citrix on the client the client name is embedded in the ini used by Citrix. On the server the shortcut runs c:\citrixfolder\pn.exe /APP "Citrix connection". I have not been able to find a way to get 2X to replicate this ability. The shortcut for 2X published application on the client gives the target as "C:\Program Files\2X\ApplicationServer Client\TSClient.exe" s!='dummyserver' t!='90' d!='DUMMYDOMAIN' u!='wm101' a!='#3' I cannot use this target as a shortcut in group policy because the user name would be the same for everyone. Will I have to create a generic script or batch file which would execute the TSCLIENT.EXE? I have tested this and am being prompted to enter the password when the exe runs? I would prefer not to have to create the script/batch if possible. Any suggestions? All help greatly appreciated.