Client Shortcut Key and Mouse Button Pass-Through

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for Linux' started by MatE1, Jul 3, 2019.

  1. MatE1

    MatE1 Bit poster

    I've trying out the Linux RAS client and i have noticed that it does not seem to be passing-through keyboard combination shortcuts or the back button on the mouse. Does anyone know if this maybe a configuration issue or is it a feature that is not yet in the Linux client?
  2. jpc

    jpc Pro

    Mouse back button: If you are referring to button >= 4 on the mouse, I do not think those are supported by the Linux client yet.
    Keyboard combination shortcuts: Are you referring to keys like "Win + E" ? If yes, ensure that "Connection Properties" -> "Local Resources" -> "Keyboard" is set as shown below. Note however that if you are using RAS published applications, any keyboard shortcuts that belong to the system will not be redirected.
    keyboard settings.png

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