Client-side-resolving environment variables in published desktop/app parameters

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server Feature Suggestions' started by MichaelH108, Nov 17, 2024.

  1. MichaelH108

    MichaelH108 Bit poster

    Currently, it is already possible to use certain system environment variables within the parameter field when defining a published resource (e.g. %clientname%). This environment variable gets resolved on the remote side (contains the real name of the client).

    This request here would like to see the possibility to add client-side resolving environment variables e.g. %%myCustomEnvVar%% to send dynamic content from the client-side over to the remote full desktop or app on start of the session.

    This would open much flexibility to solve certain scenarios. --> Citrix can do this and we are using this actively.

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