Aloha, I am having a keyboard issue after moving to OS X 10.9.1. I use Cmd+Tab to quickly move between my open applications. When I Cmd+Tab over to my 2X Application my remote session's Window Menu pops up and I have to click away from the Windows menu to continue my work in the remote session. This Menu Pop-up interrupts an otherwise smooth operation on my keyboard. How can I correct this minor but annoying problem? 2X Clinet Version: Mac OS X 10.9.1 Connecting to Windows 2008 Terminal Server. Mahalo for you assistance. Pahumeli
Re: Cmd + Tab to switch between apps causes Windows Menu to "Cmd + Tab" when in a remote session should be mapped to "Win + Tab". When you refer to "open applications" do you refer to open Mac/remote applications or just to remote applications?
Re: Cmd + Tab to switch between apps causes Windows Menu to Aloha, Thank you for your response. "Open applications" is regarding the MAC applications open in addition to the remote session. The Windows menu pop up occurs with or without open applications within the session. Ialways have to hit escape or click away with my mouse to close the Windows menu pop up. I've looked through keyboard mappings and do not see a way to change what is happening. Mahalo, Pahumeli