Coherence mode and look of Win7 windows

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by RobertG4, Nov 29, 2015.

  1. RobertG4

    RobertG4 Bit poster


    I upgraded from Parallels 8 to Parallels 11. Before, I had the UI refined where the windows from the Win7 Guest OS looked identical to those that are native Mac OS applications. Now no more. No more polished interface. I understand this feature has been discontinued with version 11. Are there any substitutes? I tried a Yosemite theme made for Win7. However, when I went into Coherence mode, the UI of the Mac started to visually become unstable. So much for that!

    I understand this topic has been covered before, but I have not found any suggestions for another option. I also understand that a "polished" interface is not really that necessary. I am a bit particular regarding my computers. There must be another option. This will also work for those users that do not need to know when they are utilizing a VM, like a family member in my case.

    Bob Graham

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