Coherence Mode in PD7 with OS X 10.8 does not work

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by NeeravU, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. Mike Shi

    Mike Shi Bit poster

    Half year after mountain lion was released, devs@parallels are still working on a fix. I hate myself so much for recommending your product to many of my friends.
  2. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team

    Hi everyone,

    Those of you who run Parallels Desktop 8 for Mac and have issues with Coherence - please let me know what exactly is not working? The whole Coherence view mode, or you are seeing screen artifacts?

    I use Windows 7 VM on my MacBook Air with OS X 10.8 installed and I always run Parallels in Coherence - I can confirm that it works. If it does not work, it usually means that Parallels Tools upgrade/installation (in the past) went wrong and you need to reinstall it. If the regular re-installation doesn't fix it, I'd suggest to follow to remove Parallels Tools and then click on Virtual Machine > Install Parallels Tools.

    Even if "clean re-install" of Parallels Tools does not help, please be specific on what exactly is not working fine, I will do my best to help you out. Thanks!
  3. TheGrinch

    TheGrinch Bit poster

    Andrew, I think the summary of the problems centres around people using multiple monitors. I have two plugged into my iMac. As someone else has pointed out, the problem does not seem to exist on the primary monitor (ie the one which has my computer stuck in the back), only the monitors which are plugged in through the Displayports.

    I am running PD7 (and later today VMWare 5!) which was not your particular point of interest but your setup description lacked that important note.

    I have not seen any differences between Crystal mode being disabled or enabled. I'm also investigating if it happens with XP in addition to Windows 7 although others have reported that is has.

    I think the solution as many people have pointed out is to switch to VMWare which costs the same as the PD8 upgrade!

    In fairness, it wouldn't be *quite* so much of a problem if OS X could do full screen applications properly as that would enable us to have a Windows screen and a Mac screen which would be a reasonable solution until it's fixed but that's just trivia!
  4. JohnMA

    JohnMA Bit poster

    Coherence and other problems

    The problems with Parallels and Windows addressed in this thread have been on-going since July 2012, more than 5 months, and remain unresolved for many users.

    This is ridiculous, the solution suggested above, to switch to VMware Fusion is a realistic one, as Parallels is at this time are unable to produce a reliable product.

    I have a mid 2012 MacBook Air running Mountain Lion, with the latest Parallels and Windows 7. Issues are:

    1. With Windows 7 active, the PD window and contents scale separately to the vertical and horizontal window size, i.e. does not maintain proportionality and distorts.

    2. Unable to enter coherence. Error data sent to Parallels.

    3. The PD bar at the bottom says "Parallels tools are outdated. Wait for automatic upgrade to complete or upgrade manually" Neither option works, clicking upgrade tools does nothing.

    I contacted Parallels help, spoke to a person who advised tech support would phone, but they have not yet. Got an email advising of a call within 15 minutes, but none came.
  5. JohnMA

    JohnMA Bit poster


    And more:

    On starting Windows 7 an error message appears: "Parallels Tools has encountered an error. It is recommended that you restart Windows 7".

    But the restart menu command does not work.

    Reinstall Parallels 8 makes no difference.
    Resetting Parallels makes no difference.

    My computer is virus-free.
  6. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team

    I escalated your ticket to second line support. Please post the results here once the issue is solved.
  7. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team

    Hi TheGrinch,

    Do you have resolution problems on the second monitor while running in Coherence?
    Or it doesn't stretch to the second display? I need more information to help you (if you are interested).
    Also I need a problem report ID (Help > Report a Problem) - post the ID here.
  8. Steve St.Laurent

    Steve St.Laurent Bit poster

    I'm running Parallels 7 and FYI - this fix (manually removing parallel tools and then reinstalling per the above instructions) worked to fix coherence mode for me finally. For me it had nothing to do with multiple monitors, btw. It was just on the main macbook air display and there were all sorts of problems with it - windows overwriting each other, not being able to switch from app to app, etc. After this fix I'm finally able to use coherence again!!!! Thank you for that post!
  9. DieterTheGeek

    DieterTheGeek Bit poster

    It has been 5 months - still no real fix for Coherence bug?

    Did I miss a patch or update or is there still no real fix for the "bring a window to the foreground" bug?!?!

    Please let me know where to find the fix or when to expect it before I'm forced to switch back to using a real PC for my Windows environment.... :)

    - Dieter

    PS: to clarify, my specific issue is that the changing focus between windows does not bring the active window to the front. Yes, it works fine in Windowed Mode of PD but not in Coherence mode. I am using OS X 10.8.2 and PD 8.0.18354 on my 27" iMac with 32 GB RAM and with a 2nd 27" Apple display. No other focus or flicker or ratio issues, "just" the windows not being properly brought to the front.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2013
  10. Steve St.Laurent

    Steve St.Laurent Bit poster

    Dieter - Try the suggestion on post #62 to manually remove parallel tools and then reinstall it - that fixed that problem for me.
  11. DieterTheGeek

    DieterTheGeek Bit poster

    spent $49 and switched to VMware Fusion..

    Thanks for the suggestion (I will try un-/re-insalling the tools) but in my frustration I opted to try Fusion and so far I *love* it. :)
  12. nofreak

    nofreak Bit poster

    Thanks for the hint. Unfortunately it did not work for me. Although I prefer the look & feel of Parallels I am now using VMware Fusion.

    I am truly disappointed by Parallels: I bought PD7 only to find that after less than 6 months it is no longer being supported!
  13. DieterTheGeek

    DieterTheGeek Bit poster

    That actually fixed it - reinstalled Tools

    Thanks for the suggestion, Steve !!

    With little optimism I tried it and it actually fixed the Windows stacking issues. Works like it's supposed to now.

    Guess I can return into the Parallels fold....

    Although, I have to confess that in my case the "fix" MIGHT also be related to doing a full clean re-install of OS X Mountain Lion. My iMac system is about 2 years old and I've never done a clean "from scratch" installation of the OS - I always just "upgraded". I thought it might be a good thing to format the disk and install Mountain Lion from the DVD I built. I am "anal" about data backups, so I felt confident I wouldn't lose anything. And I didn't; between the Time Machine and my redundant external disks used for regular backups, all is well


    - Dieter
  14. Russell Sharpe

    Russell Sharpe Junior Member

    Tried the full manual uninstall of Parallels Tools and reinstall from VM. As expected it didnt fix anything.

    Exactly the same issue remains as I've had for months and months.

    Description of Issue (for those that have forgot) - All relevant to running in Coherence mode with multiple DESKTOPS/SPACES
    Tested with PD7 and PD8 with Windows 7 and Windows 8. All running on OS X Mountain Lion (which is where the problem started as Snow leopard and Lion were/are OK)

    1. When working in an App (doesnt even need to be a Mac App) and then select a 'Windows App', either from Dock, Windows Taskbar or CTRL+TAB, the Windows App does not come to focus when the Windows App is on another DESKTOP/SPACE.
    2. However the 'Mac App' loses its focus

    Note 1: It does switch correctly if the 'Windows App' is on same DESKTOP/SPACE
    Note 2: If you have the Windows task bar displayed in Coherence mode, you see the focus go to the App on the task bar but the DESKTOP/SPACE doesn't switch
    Note 3: Even with the Windows App highlighted on the task bar, even if you click it, it remains on the DESKTOP/SPACE its in rather than switching to the DESKTOP/SPACE the Windows App is actually in.

    So basically if you want to switch to a Windows App that is running in a different DESKTOP/SPACE to the App you are switching from it does not go there (or more to the point it does, it just does not switch DESKTOPS/SPACES )

    BTW it does work to any Mac Apps i.e. Windows App back to Mac App works across DESKTOPS/SPACES

    Hope thats clear Parallels
  15. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team

    @Russell Sharpe - can I have problem report please? Reproduce the issue and hit Help > Report a Problem and post the ID here
  16. Russell Sharpe

    Russell Sharpe Junior Member

    Report ID:21897610
  17. PatrickSS

    PatrickSS Bit poster

    Any updates here? Coherence continues to work poorly under PD8, ML, and Windows 7. As an example, use Outlook, ctrl-n to send new emails, alt-tab / drag around windows a few times, send new email, and notice parts of screen not refresh.
  18. BeetlePod

    BeetlePod Bit poster

    Work around doesn't work

    I tried the workaround but minimizing the window I want and then maximizing it brings it to the front for all of 5 seconds and then the other window comes back. What am I missing?

    How about a fix after 8 months or do we need to buy the new version?
  19. strells

    strells Product Expert

    It's broken in both Parallels 7 and 8.

  20. YutakaG

    YutakaG Bit poster

    Sample movie

    I posted the movie to YouTube.

    the content dose not updated but its working.
    And please check the thumbnail at bottom left, parallels virtual machine list window.

    - Mac OS X 10.8.2 / MacBookPro 17" late 2011. 2.4GHz 8GB
    - Parallels Build7.0.15107 (Revision 796624; Mon, 03 Sep 2012)
    Uninstall Parallel Tools -> Update install Parallels Desktop 7 -> Install Parallel Tools -> then captured.

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